My Daughters A Deputy NOW!!

My service revolver is a S&W 9mm hollow tip rounds and my off duty is my better gun with more kick and also hollow tips the S&W 40 cal pictured below. Both of my Gun are blacker then the ace of spades so they conceal better at night.
Say hello to me Smith and Wesson:triniti:

IMO, the best 40 out there!
My service revolver is a S&W 9mm hollow tip rounds and my off duty is my better gun with more kick and also hollow tips the S&W 40 cal pictured below. Both of my Gun are blacker then the ace of spades so they conceal better at night.
Say hello to me Smith and Wesson:triniti:

Does it load with moon clips? Where do you work that they still carry revolvers? Interesting gun. I prefer a revolver over a pistol anyday and would throw rocks before I owned another glock.
Does it load with moon clips? Where do you work that they still carry revolvers? Interesting gun. I prefer a revolver over a pistol anyday and would throw rocks before I owned another glock.

That S&W is a semi auto
If I was a police officer

We carried Glocks.I took mine out of the box and shot a 100 on the range with it first day.

I would carry a .50 cal Deasert Eagle with an extra clip. (and I do):big_boss:
A 30-06 with a high power scope in the car in case you had some long shots. Like a snipper on a roof.
5 hand gernades. Just in case.
Best hidden secret in handguns are the CZ line have her check it out awesome accurate and 20 rds in 9mm I think a few less in 40cal, I own one in 9mm and love it.


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I would carry a .50 cal Deasert Eagle with an extra clip. (and I do):big_boss:
A 30-06 with a high power scope in the car in case you had some long shots. Like a snipper on a roof.
5 hand gernades. Just in case.

NJ has some of the strictest gun laws in the country !!
I disarm people with my charm and wit. Maybe i should look into a carry piece. I do have a security six .357, but i dont know that i would want to carry it.

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My service revolver is a S&W 9mm hollow tip rounds and my off duty is my better gun with more kick and also hollow tips the S&W 40 cal pictured below. Both of my Gun are blacker then the ace of spades so they conceal better at night.
Say hello to me Smith and Wesson:triniti:


Can I ask you what agency you work for and what line of law enforcement you are in that issues or lets you carry a revolver on duty?
I think the glock is the front runner, she wants to spend more money on the spring field .40 , this model is double the money.

Ron, depending on hand size, the Glock 23 (.40 cal) is an excellent mid-size hand gun with 13 +1 capacity. Therefore 40 rounds on her person at all times. When ordering the gun (which ever model you choose) implore her to get the trijicon or similar manufacturer night sights. This very much enhances the sight picture and aim point with the weapon for tactical shooting scenarios. This is a must, the factory sights are cumbersome and basically not visible at night. In addition, there are aftermarket manufacturers that make a 29 round magazine for that weapon, which is a good add on for the duty bag.
Regardless of what is said here, steer away from 9mm. I have seen the terminal ballistics on that round in many different grains and styles and it does not possess the hitting power that you would want your daughter to have. If you have detailed questions, or she wants to talk to someone in law enforcement, I will be glad to help out.
I am a firearms instructor for many years and carry the Glock 23 both on and off duty. In fact I like mine so much that I have two (one issued and one of my own.)
I think the glock is the front runner, she wants to spend more money on the spring field .40 , this model is double the money.

Ron, guns are primarily a preference. Springfield makes a great gun. Many of the tactical guys carry them. Just like me, I personally dont care anything for the S&W, but it has nothing to do with the gun quality, its just too small for my grip. Great gun, but I personally just dont like them for me. Best thing for you is listen to what she wants and needs. Im sure there is a gun store in Phoenix that will let you shoot some of their used house guns if they have a range there for a nominal fee. We have a gun store here in Huntsville that has an indoor range and allows you to rent a few guns to try them out.

She sounds like she already knows what she wants, and to me, a gun is not something to dicker with on quality. Glocks do have some draw backs, but I luckily have a friend who is a Glock armorer and keeps mine checked out on a regular basis.

You cannot go wrong with a Springfield, great gun and yes, a little pricey, but is it worth the extra money knowing that your daughter has better piece of mind feeling more comfortable with a weapon that she WANTS when and IF the time ever comes that she is in a life and death situation where she has to use it. To me, the piece of mind knowing that she is comfortable with the gun she feels comfortable with than settling with something that is a good quality gun that you saved some money on.

Let me equate it to something you understand and sum it up in one statement....there is a reason you buy Landa and not a pressure pro :smilewinkgrin:
Glock all the way in 40 s&w best side arm out there. I carry model 27 in 40 s&w. Have her check out the larger frame models whatever fits the best.
Another consideration when buying a weapon is this and it was brought up to me.You don't want to carry a gun that only you have ammo or clips for.The reason is is the sh!t hit the fan and you need more ammo or clips then you are SOL if everyone else is carring glocks and you are carrying a S&W.

Remember Long Beach?

I don't know if she is a rural or city deputy but this is something to consider also.
The Service revolver is just a figure of speech. Thats what us guys that have been on the job since the eighties called our work Firearm when back then we had the six shooter. I just sold that 38 a year ago. Great gun and the thing about that gun it didn't really have the ability to jam where all these newer type guns do especially the Glock. Best keep your handgun if its the semi automatic etc very clean. All your guns should be cleaned and well oiled. The thing about my 38 was that it could be dirty as heck and it always fired. I never seen or heard of that gun jamming up. All the other ones I have including my own after firing many rounds.

We cant even carry maze here in Canada.


Yeah we cling to our guns and religion down here.

John, it's hard to beat a wheel gun. But I currently favor a Glock 23 also. Maybe 2K rounds through it and never a jam or stovepipe. Must be lucky. But I don't buy cheap ammo ether and keep very clean. I personally never got very good with a .45 in my weak hand so I settled on a .40.

Like most I've heard the caliber arguments forever. This video did a pretty good comparison I thought. As far as 9mm, .40 and .45.

I'll warn you it's full of ads and you'll have to wait until 14:10 for the range part.

Can I ask you what agency you work for and what line of law enforcement you are in that issues or lets you carry a revolver on duty?
Listen kid I got more time on the crapper then you do on the job:haha: Just joking with ya. Thats cop talk again. If your on the job I now fall into a different catagory for Cop lore... Dinasour.... The Broom... and quite a few other funny terms.

Here's one for ya. There trying to crack Unions now in this country. That is a loaded topic.... but listen to what I just heard and I am under contract for another 4 yrs(Thank God). The rule of thumb in tough times- last hire first fire.
There discussing on how in the future they can change that... If that happens there goes civil service jobs right out the window:frown:
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