My Child Gets attacked By PITBULL!!!!!!!!

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
I hope your child is ok, looks like some stitches.

Is that your dog or was it someone's and not on a leash?

Pitbull attacks happen here all the time and the police go and put them down for attacking people, most of the time it is innocent children.

That is a shame Ron, hope things are going good.
Man Ron i hate to hear and see that ! I couldnt imagine one of mine getting attacked. Let us know what happens with the situation.
It as last night, she will be ok. Hand specialist in a few weeks.

Doc says doesnt see perminant damage.
That's good news. It looked pretty deep.
Ron hope she is ok. I would never own a pitbull.
I'm glad she's OK, Ron.
I know how terrifying it is when your child gets hurt so I'm glad you're OK, too.
These attacks are becoming more and more frequent. Is the pitbull going to try to challenge Humans for dominance on earth?