Well, we're back on the road again. We met with Bobby yesterday in Nederland. Thanks for the coffee and the conversation! Good luck Bobby, looks like you're on the right track so far. But you need to train those restaurants on the need for clean concrete! They sure were dirty!
We got to spend some time with my (natural) mom (I was adopted) and my natural brother and sister. We hadn't kept in touch in years because of ONE carefully crafted lie by my ex wife designed to estrange me from the family. A few years ago they realized they had been bamboozled and reached out to mend fences and we've been becoming closer ever since. It's absolutely amazing the damage that can be done when someone has a goal of destroying relationships and a talent for smooth deception. And you guys wonder why I'm a crusader against deception!!!!
Now we're in Houston. The only town were you can hang clothes out on a line dry and come back an hour later and they will be soaking wet!!!
We wanted to meet with Scott, but the LDS guys got to him first and he won't meet with us now. He's buying a bicycle and a tie and hitting the road.

I guess we will see him next time we go to Salt Lake City.

Just kidding, Scott is making a lot of money. We are too early for him this morning. He doesn't get out of bed for less than $3k.
We've got a meeting in Austin at noon, then we still have to determine whether we need to go to Dallas or not later today or head west to see Tom in Tucson.
This has been a great trip. Chris and I are so much alike in many ways it's like going on a trip with my twin!