Murfreesboro TN Pressure Washing and Seal Coating


New member
Yesterday I pressure washed an aggregate driveway. There was plenty of mold to be removed, which we were able to do with our great process using a few chemical combinations that are proprietary to Journey Enterprises.

We then used a diamond grinder to clean out the cracks and filled them in with a silicone concrete caulk for the base and topped it off with a standard aggregate crack filler making sure there wasn't any runover and the result was a smooth "nearly crackfree" driveway.

Today we returned to finishing sealing the driveway with a chemical that was developed by a friend of mine who is a chemist specifically for us. An all acrylic mixture that results in a delicious shine. We of course used the classic 3/4 nap roller to apply, though I want to experiment with using a sprayer for this.

Journey Enterprises which does much of Murfreesboro TN Pressure Washing and Seal Coating received the job from a contractor friend of ours here in town. Overall the client was incredibly happy with the outcome of his driveway. Some pictures are posted below.

After all was said and done and the sealer dried we threw down some new expansion boards made of redwood and man it looked slick.



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