Mr Alan


Nice Yellow Pages ad Alan! Hope you make bank with that one.

Been holdin out on me with the Soda Blasting huh? lol

Yeah I guess I should of praised his advertising in email.

My bad........I guess!
Thanks for the nice words Chuck. Which one did you see, as there are 3 displays in that book.
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Yeah that's the one!

What's cool is that it was the only one I saw that stood out.
A little crooked, but oh well.

Mr. Alan are you saying you and your business is a little crooked?

I mean face it fellow that is how it reads, right?

Chuck I guess you do have to worry about competition being honeset afterall up there. LOL

Nice ad by the way.

Better clarify that for Jon. My ad may be a little crooked in the scan, but my wand still shoots straight.

Look under Steam Cleaning and Graffiti Removal.