In this dog eat dog world its great for people such as you to take the time to better this industry by learning from others. Thankyou Ron and all other members for shareing
Perhaps this is a small distinction, but I prefer drive to motivation. Motivation is like a warm bath. Motivation is what you feel when you gotta pay mortgage next week, or how you feel after a sales seminar when the trainer gives you all kinds of good ideas.
Unless you make a point to institute these habits and tools into your routine, they often fall by the wayside and you revert to your old ways. After you make the mortgage, you let up a bit.
Drive, on the other hand, is a daily/weekly/annually commitment to succeed.
Like I said, perhaps a small distinction, but what I think nonetheless.
Ron, it says alot about how much you like to help others when you take time out of your busy schedule to chat on the phone with someone you know little about. I really appreciate you taking the time to do that. Between PWI, your pw business, family time, etc., WHEN DO YOU SLEEP?
As I branch out into the commercial world of power washing (from residential), I am more comfortable knowing I have a forum with a wealth of information that I can access anytime. There are so many great people that are members. I love to help others in any way I can, ESPECIALLY when they are eager to put in the effort and better their lives, and it seems I have found many people with the same interest. I have only been a member for a couple weeks, and have already learned alot from this site. I'm looking forward to meeting many of you at one of the future RT's.
In the past days some have called me and thanked me for having this bbs running. I appreciate the support and realize for every bad apple in the bunch there are 1000 good ones. (not taliking about you chris)
People on these bbs will back room you and say this or that. He said she said and when it all boils down to is fear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I started this bbs to raise the standards in the industry. I have accompished that and some don’t like it. Friends please put these loosers that gang and run like a pack of wolves out of your life. (I have)
Remember this; you’re the only one that can make a change or difference in your life. Ron Musgraves </SUP><SUP></SUP><SUP> or anyone else is not going to do this for you.</SUP>
I help here selfless with a bunch of others great guys here. I expect no money or have taken any in 9 years the site has been live. (Despite the rumors or millions I have made off the backs of contractors)
I thank you and the staff that makes this BBS great.
Look forward to seeing all in Atlanta and at every other date on the
NEVER Quit, it will just make you feel like a looser.</SUP>
Calm down..put down the bullhorn and step away from the pom-poms.
You might like it Scott, didn't you see his recent post about him starting to work out??? Hahah!!Please don't get Ron in a cheerleaders skirt. The thought scares me and could scar me.