mex instead of tsp

I had heard that Flood dropped Restora. Its concept was great, but I was not sold on it. (After all, this is the same company that makes CWF.)

what do you think of cwf? i used it once this summer to seal a deck. the clear sealer made by them had a shade of color to it but the deck looked great. also i was unable to spray the cwf sealer, wouldnt go through sprayer. i try to use cabots exclusively. as for restora vinyl i thought about pushing it but didnt have time. if there is something better out there let me know.
Restora is gone - not making it anymore. There may be some distributors that still have some in stock but it's probably not a good idea to market something that is unavailable for future use - don't know about any manufacturer back up anymore either.

Were you using CWF or CWF-UV5? One is homeowner grade - the UV-5 is their contractor grade product. We've used it a couple of times this year - sprayed like a dream through an airless sprayer! Obviously time will tell on how long it looks good but the results at the time of invoice presentation were very nice :)

i dont remember which one i used ill have to look. it looked great but had trouble spraying it. what sprayer wqere you using mine was just a pump sprayer.i have the sher wiiliams pump sprayer now but have not tried to spray flood cwf out of it.
We use a Titan 440i airless with the CWF-UV5. Never heard anything good about CWF so we never tried it.

We use a Titan 440i airless with the CWF-UV5. Never heard anything good about CWF so we never tried it.


i almost bought a titan 440i at a sherwin williams show. i suppose it mists a lot better than a pump sprayer.