Hey DJ
... I'll be honest, I don't think using what you have created as marketing material would do your company's image and good.
I don't want to tear your work to pieces or anything - I know what it's like spending time creating something for it not to be right... I guess, it's part of the 'creative process'!!
Here's my thoughts (for what they're worth):
- Top picture of surface cleaner is out of focus and doesn't really show much, apart from a wet sidewalk hoses and a surface cleaner... your intended viewer might wonder what it is a picture of.
- The blend of the 2 pictures is a bit ragged - not sharp enough for your company image
- The bottom picture again doesn't really show what you do and why to choose you
- The overlap of you on your company name looks like 'EasyPro Proper Services'
- The color, brightness and contrast in the pictures is too dark in my opinion... although, I guess it depends on what their intended use is.
Something that I always remember from Marketing at University is AIDA... I'm sure you know of it.
Attention, Interest, Desire, Action
When creating marketing materials it can help to follow these principles in how it impacts customers...
another thing, again, I don't know who you are targeting with this material - but sometimes you need to design it as though they don't know what pressure washing is. (I think BrooksPW asked about the tennis ball, and he is in the industry... many potential customers don't know what a surface cleaner is and what's involved - they just want it clean!!) They might ask what the tennis ball is and what is he selling? Any confusion in your message to them, reduces the impact of your marketing material.
just sharing some thoughts - you're a smart guy, I know you'll take and leave them as needed.
Good Luck with the new marketing material.