Maybe I’m being petty!!!!!

Okay coffee is done and this is that <<>>

enstead of going off and rambling about who is # 1 and who is 2 I'll just say this >

BB's are what they are A place for mumble gumble .A watse of time but non-the less intertaining and thats why I keep comming back .I never thought that my dialog was all that bad , but I reakon it was or you wouldnt of said it I will post less since I dont make any since .

I didnt mean to state anything directed to you or Jon I would of said that even if it was big-boy or anybody else .I know you think alot about what you post and you are very informative when you do. So if ya think I was saying that in your direction Im sorry about that.So with that all said and I pull my foot outa my mouth once again >>>>>>>>>>> have a great weekend
Yes you too Ron !!
Ya'll are a hoot....

This old woman enjoys going from board to board to learn and to help others. I may not always agree with the opinions of others, but I respect them. After all, there is a distinct difference between fact and opinion.

Dan, don't go tucking tail and running off, sulking, not posting. These guys give you grief because they know how to push your buttons. They know exactly how to get under your skin. You're a sensitive person (not a bad thing at all) and they get you all fired up. They also realize you'll cool down and come back. SO, just eliminate the one step and don't let them get your goat.

Jon, Ron as a younger woman? Too much information. Don't need that visual. ;)

Now.....having endured the "old woman" comment and having taken it in the light hearted spirit it was intended (Gav I know you we're not pointing to me) I'll just say that you guys can go be a bunch of old hens if you want to.... Now, where did I put my jock?

Beth:D goes:rolleyes:
since Greg has not commented and probaly won't(not his style)
I agree with Jon that Jon F....that sounds funny,lol...well anyway Jon Fife has hit the nail on the head with Gregs board,at the same time I understand what Rons ideas petty? I don't know I my opinion is that Beth summed it up best in her first post.
Beth, you don’t feel as a moderator on Greg’s BBS it would be a nice token of his appreciation to allow you to have a banner? Extending the professional courtesy?

We have been discussing the banner exchange program on this site and have not really done anything with it. I like the banner exchange idea but now I can see that others will want banners but not allow other to place there’s? I get it now, fare is not being fare. I can guarantee if you stood in my shoes you would feel differently. I hold no threat to any advertisers; as a matter of fact I might generate more business for any other BBS. I think most don’t see the larger picture.
Ron as a woman, hmmm, Scary. No that would be really scary. He woudl probably be one of those women that insists on Spandex, too. You know that ones that make black spandex grey.

Spandex in XXXXX size but would it tuck in his butt? On second thought I best be nice or he may not take me back to The Melting Pot.

Now as far as Beth being an old lady no way, a Lady yes, old, hardly.

On the other hand she did have the nerve to call us guys a bunch of old hens, like she never chatters much:rolleyes:

Us guys need a man to man talk with Rod so he can read what she says about us guys!

Thanks Scott for the kind words, and thanks even more for keeping those brain farts in your own town. Glad Ron does not smoke:p

To all out there, have a wonderful weekend, it is sunny here today, sunny and to warm and summer has not yet arrived.
Allow me to revert to the question at hand. Yes, Ron......I think you are being petty.

As Mr. Fife described.........Gregs board is different. I just completed a $1183 deck job that the customer (homeowner) got my name from that, he must be doing something right!

To each his own. Somehow I don't think he really cares if you post there more or not..............afterall, you have no experience with wood anyway.........right?

Enjoy the holiday!
I drive my truck like I want to and you can drive your truck like you want too BUT if your wanting to drive my truck please have the respect as I would yours.

I'll have to agree with Ron with extending the professional courtesy and thats not being petty at all,its a way of life in the bussiness world,altho some like driveing with a different colored sock on the each foot.

I know I get under the skin on a few of you and always will,its the only way I can see the real you,I don't need a picture but it sure helps lol.I know also alot of you cann't read between the lines which makes it harder for you to understand me but I'm not telling ya where the gold mine is,thats to easy.It takes time and years maybe to learn some of the things that you can get here free which cost alot of money on our part,feel lucky but always rem'ber to extend a professional courtesy which in turn you can call yourself a pro.Extending a professional courtesy does not mean telling where the gold mine is but only showing your repect to the bussiness world,its like passing out bussiness cards and take a few and give to your friends thingy,ya know.

How ya do outlaw,could ya read between those lines or was dat to much snuff up ya nose *LOL*.

Hey Shorty,Beths right man,we know how to sqeeze ya bubble or put words in ya mouth,you ever shot a arrow out of a shotgun,I have.


  • !cid_001501c1a623$4938a600$d2fb3cd8@colt.jpg
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Get my ole lady off the screen! you scared the shite out of me!
nahhh I wont tuck 'e' run .

I just wont post here as often .

yeah no dialog huh!

Beth, go to the "staff" on the pwn and see if you can help me out .I will move that post a.s.a.p but for now check it out there and let me know .
ok ok ok ok ok,,, I think I get the picture here some believe that I should and some don’t. could I have guessed that would be the outcome.

Mike your right about Greg not caring if I post more often or not. Maybe that job you landed came via PWN or PWI, really you don’t know sometimes where the leads came from. Maybe they stumbled onto Pwi and then found Greg’s BBS. Probably not!!

Bigboy, I can’t read between the lines.. That old lady thing did make me laugh!!!!!
Stupid Comments@PWI--sorry

I made a stupid comment @ PWI And Gregs BBS.

I said I would post less when if fact I would post more if I could get my way.

That was wrong of me to announce that. I should keep personal issue like this to myself and not discuss that type of thing in public forums.

I post on all bbs as much as time allows me. I have time I post.

I guess the most important thing I would say is post trying to help others and not to make issues out of the way people act. If anyone or myself pisses you off its really not important.

My comment was not professional and I realize it’s not about personal differences at all…

Please except my apology and if someone make you made keep posting because it’s not about the guy who upsets you it’s about the people that need your help.
Sorry bout daT MAN but she told me she didn't have no old man,I should have known better,ya can go with mine ifen you want.

Hey Ron-e thinking before really thinking makes ya wonder,lol.


  • missbbs.jpg
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Ron that is called speaking before putting brain in gear, happens you know.

Best way to get around it is before you post use your word processor to type it all out, spell check, print it and read it to yourself out loud.

That way you will know if it sounds right or not, if not go back and edit it till it is right, then copy and paste in a post.

Yes I have done it, not all the time but I have, why there are times I delete post I put up, some are just not right so out they come.

Besides by now we all know YOU, the REAL YOU!

Gav and Bigboy Y'all should be ashamed showing off those ladies like they was the best you could find up in them hills! Or perhaps that is the best you could find:)
Here are exclusive, never seen before pics of Bigboy's secluded vacation home.


  • redneck_high_rise1_1.jpg
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Looks like it was built on top of a highway!

Ron, the customer told me straight up he got me from Gregs site..........pretty cool way to land a job if you ask me.

I wouldn't lose any sleep over this matter.........we all think before we speak every now and then.