Maybe I’m being petty!!!!!

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member

Maybe I’m being petty!!!!!

This BBS allows everyone to have signature banners. I’m not trying to change his BBS. I think if we allow someone to have a signature banner they should have the same courtesy.

That’s just how I feel and this is not a personal issue either way I respect Greg’s view point I just wanted to know if I was way out of line. So how do you guys feel about this???????
Ron your not being unfair or petty, all your asking is for him to offer you the same courtesy you offer others on PWI board.

What I see is how he words his reply, ADVERTISING POLICY, to me that translates to PAY to have your name or business show.

In other words money talks and I am against that. He knows well PWI will bring others to his board so in all fairness it should be blocked. If and when he allows your banner then unblock his link and banner.

I have nothing against anyone but I see this as you scratch my back I scratch yours type of issue.
At the risk of stirring up trouble.... it's HIS board. You allow others to do what you feel is fair. He does what he believes is best for his site. There is no right, there is no wrong. Each of you has made your own decision about the sites you own respectively.

On another but a related topic.....
Ya know, it's kinda funny in a way....

We Mods are supposed to enforce the advertising rule in the main area, yet banners and info in signature areas is ok. It was brought to my attention by someone that it is sort of ... out of whack. 'Nuff said 'bout that.

It's a fine line we are supposed to walk. So we try. But it can and does make it harder at times.

Just my .02 worth.

Hmmm, Ron wants a banner posted on Greg's site so that people can click through and get on PWN. Greg says no, because it is advertising policy. Yet, Greg posts on Ron's site with a click through banner, because Ron has an open banner policy. (Not an open Advertising policy) I think that Ron is right on this issue. Of course, I think that you should be able to post a benner on whatever site, but then some are for profit and some aren't.

As for the allowing a banner, but no straight forward advertising. It makes sense to me. If you want your name out there you post in the forums. That way you are able to help the contractors. Now if your banner happens to have some of the equipment and/or producs you sell, it would be even better for you. Of Course, that is just my personal opinion. Then again, on this site if someone does need a product that you offer, at least on this site you have the ability to e-mail them directly, and not worry about it being censored, deleted or some other thing.

Scott Stone
Well, to me it doesn't matter if you are eating ice cream or cake, it's still dessert. The body of the post, the signature area, it's still advertising. Almost seems like splitting hairs. If Ron doesn't like it he can change it on his own site. But it seems to me he ought to respect Greg's decision on how to administer his own site.

I don't know, just seems to me there are more important things to worry about. Sometimes it is waaaaaaaaay to easy to get bogged down in the little stuff of life.

Ron, I admire you. But you don't need more stress. Let it go.

What can you do? Greg runs his board his way as Ron does his. Which is there right. I wish Greg would open up his member list and the same for Dan's bb. But its there choice to do what they want because its there bb's. End of story.

Not everybody would be as fair as Ron is here. Some of them want the potential to make money off there bb's where here that is not the case.

So I would let it go because its there right whether you think its right or wrong.
I’m not asking Greg to change his policy. Just extend me the same professional courtesy that I give him. I think that’s fair.

I probably will not reply on this issue anymore.. I’m not trying to split hairs. I know that PWI has brought about many other BBS and will continue to support Greg’s BBS and any other BBS….

That is what I do… I just wanted to ask my members here if they thought it was fair?

Beth, I believe as moderator on Greg’s BBS you should also get a banner link. I realize that you do not think so.

Anyway its dead I’m not going to change Greg’s mind about this. I can say this, I have a banner on TCN & guttersouce and I’m a leading poster. That’s all I have to say!!!!!!!

I didn't think you did decks/wood restoration??

What if delco asked greg to do the same thing since his link is above his name whenever he posts on there?? How do you think espec (one of greg's sponsors) would respond??

Greg's site is totally different from yours/dan's. First of all, it is for wood restoration, and many of us are trying to create a separate classification for that to distinguish ourselves from PressureWashers and Painters. Right now we are a middle-man with no name, and would like to see that changed somewhat. Another thing, Greg is building his site to reach out to homeowners. THAT Is the market he is trying to reach to come to his site more, since it will work out for referrals for the members (contractor directory). Greg spends a boatload of money (own pocket) each month to rank highly in search engines.

I don't mind in the least his having sponsors. Greg has put a rediculous amount of time into that board, and i hope he does make money on it. Check out the opening page and all the info that is contained on that board. There was a lot of time put into developing it.

Bottom line----you are a contractor hoping to gain nothing from your board, it is just there to help people. That is awesome, i love this board, and i like the fact that you ask the tough questions (and seem to enjoy it):)

Ron----i answered this here because it does not really fit the mood of what goes on at Greg's board. This board tends to be a bit more of a free-for-all, whereas on Deckguide it is pretty much all business, all the time. Nothing wrong either way, just not a lot of argumentative discussions go on there. We are more interested in things like what strippers look the best and work for cheap..............for wood, of course.:)


PS I think you do an awesome job with all the bbs promotions, i sent some local distributors here to PWI the other day.
I'm sure this post will pretty well piss people off, but here goes: 1) If you are #1 poster on a great many boards, Ron, maybe you need to get a life! I can't believe so many of you spend so much time here! It is just pressure washing, geeze! 2) One guys bbs is his domain, if you don't like it, don't visit it. Just because you have one policy, it is pretty arrogant thinking everyone should adopt your policy. 3) You are right, this thread is pretty petty and lame...move on. 4) You turned over the bbs to Scott, because you had more pressing things in your life. Then why is it you are posting more than ever before???

See, I told you you wouldn't like it!


Boy I didnt think I would ever say this >>> I agree with ZIPPO > Beth > Jon Fife................

Who cares if you are the # 1 poster ?
and on many bbs>

Are you the # 1 poster b/c you want your site Available to everyone ?You said you wont post any more on Gregs Bb unless he changes his mind and add your banner to your post > So that means you wont be the # 1 on his BB .

Rules are rules >>> DAns rules and Gregs rules everybody dont have to be like this BB >

Ron you do need a life a man ...........
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahahalolHAHAHAHA*LOL* WHEEeeeeeeeew,there's always a way to get the cheese,right Ron-e.


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Banners no banners, it doesn't matter to me EXCEPT if there are banners they should be small and unobtrusive! It makes them easier to ignore.... 400 X 100 pixels is plenty big enough to do a little advertising without being offensive.
First things first,,,,

Jon F, thanks for being a member and giving a professional response to my question. Thanks for bringing members to PWI as well as any other resources and helping others. I’m not trying to change policy on Greg’s BBS. I just think that if I extend the professional courtesy to him with his banner link he should do the same. That’s just how I feel and I believe its fair. I’m not trying to change Greg’s BBS. I hope Greg gets lots of sponsors and turns his BBS into a moneymaker.

Zip, your absolutely wrong and I’m not mad at you. Its like this your opinion of myself is just that! It’s your opinion and I can not take that away from you. If you don’t use foul language and attack anyone then its OK. Some would consider your comment get a life attacking? I don’t see it that way for I’m the only one that knows about my life and it seems pretty fulfilling to me.

Zip as for turning over the BBS I did that to spend more time with my Kids at the ball park not to pressure wash more. Why I post more on BBS than ever before is because I have opened other BBS… (Surprise) I now have three other successful BBS that have been running for about 3 months. None of them have anything to do with the pressure washing industry.

Dan s, Ditto on the above to Zip,,,,,, also I never said I would not post on gregs BBS.. As a matter of fact I said I would support and continue to post on his bbs. I did say if I had a banner I would post more.

To Greg and everyone else, I have spoken to Greg on he phone a few times and Greg is a nice guy. I support his BBS and will continue to support. I can have processional difference with people and still remain civil. I don’t dislike like Greg for what ever his decision is. I think he will be a professional and handle this just like I have. I like to be more public with my things than others and maybe that was a mistake I have made here? The damage is already done and you guys know where I stand and you can either give imput or hold a silence. That will be your own decision.

Zippo, you got into this BBS under a grandfather Clause when we didn’t require knowing whom you are. I think its time you comply with the rules of the BBS and give a correct E-mail and name.
Zippo Q. Johnson (my parents had a drug induced sense of humor). Email at No offense dude, I speak my piece. There are just way too many people who must be bedridden or friendless to spend so much time perusing the BBS's There really isn't that much information out there. Most of the time it is a repeat of the same old cr*p. Good luck with your other BBS's
You asked for an opinion I gave it >
No-harm in that huh?

I guess it was

ANytime you ask for an opinion you will always get controversie it's that simple >

I just dont know any-more about the bb crap >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
we have this "click" of people who do nothing but suck your butt .And too scared to tell you the truth .

Your just to funny Dan, I invite you to speak your mind that’s why you come here more. LOL

I think I may be the only admin. that would put up with you. Try your opinions some where else. I wont go there but try saying the things you convey to me on the telephone to others and you would only have one place to come..Here..LOL

Currently you’re the number 5 poster. Professionally I don’t care for to many of your posts. That doesn’t mean I hate you or dislike you in anyway. (Don’t take this wrong) my intentions for this site are to have fun and share inf. with new and veterans that come here. I realize you can and have shared things to others and I hope you always will. Each and every individual ads spice to the BBS. I’m not in love with your post and that doesn’t mean that you should or need to stop posting. I also sure you don’t always like mine. Others on the BBS may love your dialog and stand right behind you. As for those sucking up my but? I don’t think anyone on this site kisses my A_ _. I can find countless times where Scott and Jon have disagreed with me over and over again. Beth is probably one of my biggest folks that disagree with me. (I enjoy having Beth on this site) it’s a wonderful and colorful balance of minds and ideas flowing. There is more than one train of thought flowing on this BBS all the time.

Dan S. Over the last month every time I talk about this site or any other you make it and issue about Dan Flynn. I have told you this before and I will tell you this again. I support Dans Dave & Delcos and any other site related to pressure washing because I can. it doesn’t matter to myself that others will not support our site. Our BBS unlike others answers only to its members. I guess that would be the biggest difference. It doesn’t mean we are numbers one. That really doesn’t matter to me. Sure I would like PWI to be the leader and if it is or isn’t that’s really not what the big pictures about. Camaraderie amongst contract cleaners is really what counts. Being able to professionally tell some you have a difference with them and not attack on a personal level.

Its simple we are all different peoples with different goals, opinion and objectives. Bottom line we should all be able to take and give just a little more.


I feel like and old women sometimes when I’m answering. Hold on let me untwist my panties. LOL Gav there just a lot of past that I would rather not get into. You might be calling us more than old lady’s…..LOL
If you looked at the original question it said am I being petty? I guess that means yes…see if you had answered quicker Gav we wouldn’t even be here. its all your fault!!!!!!!
Some how Dan, I feel that comment was directed at me, and probably Jon. If you feel that way about either one of us you are barking up a gum stump.
Like my wife says, I don't play well with others. What this means is that I am not the type of person that just succumbs to someone else because I am afraid of offending them. I might try to be pretty tactful when responding to someone, but that is only if I do not no them. This does not mean that I would intentionally offend someone just for the heck of it. That is not my style and not something that I think is kind or professional.
I do disagree with Ron from time to time, but I also call Ron if I am having a brain fart that I need to bounce off of someone other than my wife. He gives me an honest opinion, and I give him honest opinions.
As for Jon, I am sure that we can all tell from his posts that he is weak minded. I am sure that Remy will tell you the same thing. (ROTFL) Jon is as head strong as just about any person I have met. I am glad to call him a friend, and am perfectly willing to help him with his little projects and share my experience and opinions with him. The beauty of Ron and Jon is that neither is easily offended. they understand where I am coming from, and I know that their intent is not to offend me.
For what it is worth, I am very careful whenever I respond to any post, on any board, whether it Be Dan's board, Delco's board or any other board that I might stop in at occasionally. I don't want to be held accountable for bad information, and it makes me nuts when peole comment on stuff that I can tell from their answers that they have no experience in. I know of other people on the boards that feel the same way, and some have stopepd posting because of uninformed, and downright negligent comments that are made. At least Ron posts stuff that is on the mark and is a voice of experience.
As fo rbeing the number one poster, I don't give a flying Flip about being number one in anything. Pressure washing to me is a means to an end, and not the end itself. Of course this is at the end of bout an 80 hour work week, and I have not started today...

okay maybe I was outa line >>
I'll drink another cup of coffee and re-write it .

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Gav if Ron is an old woman I sure would hate to have seen him when he was a YOUNG WOMAN!

Ron I would thank you but I believe Jon F. and Jon F. understand whom your speaking of.

Yeah that other Jon F. the one back in the deep south, Jon Fife.

And he is cool too!