Marketing to residents of mobile home parks

One thing I found is that with mobile home parks people are always interested. Clear your schedule for two days when you land a job in a park and have a wad of cards to give out. I usually have many people stop by the home Im washing and I tell them the price, keep it affordable, I charge 85.00 for a single and 110.00 for a doublewide in park prices. When they approach you, and believe me they will if you have a neat rig and do good work, give them a card and the price and tell them you are here today and tomorrow then your booked for the next week. By this approach I have gotten 5 or 6 in one day and instead of an 85.00 job it turned into a 500.00 job with the additional customers. I found it is ok to trust people, tell them you will leave them a bill and tehy can pay in one week. Alot of people in mobile home communities are on a tight budget and can't pay that day without notice. I have yet to be stiffed and this also helps in landing extra work. I leave them a bill, a preprinted thank you letter, a pre addressed return envelope and a few cards. Good money in mobile homes if you are set up to do it. No contracts, ask the office if you can post flyers around the mailbox areas and leave cards in the office. This will generate interest and should yield some calls. Do a good job at a fair price and eventually business will come to you. Make sure you have insurance and are licensed, it adds reputability to your company and it is also the law in most states. Spring and Fall are the best times to go after new clients. Good luck
I felt the above was a very good, informative post........and should be included in our library. Thanks for sharing, Mike.