Lost A Long Time Client

AZ PowerWash Pros

New member
We have been cleaning a restaurant out here for 5 years and they have always raved about our company. Then a new GM comes in without us knowing and calls us and starts making false claims about our company. Obviously, this GM was just trying to come up with a reason to cancel our services. At first I was kissing the butt of the GM asking her to give us a chance and then it turned into nothing but lies out her mouth and it was obvious that she was trying to cancel so I told her find someone else and let us know when you want us back.

It sucks when you lose accounts you have had for years but it happens from time to time. To make up for it I had my sales guys hit a bunch of restaurants in the area and we already landed 3 appointments and demos. I guess the lesson is you lose some and win some.
I've had this happen to me as well. Sometimes they come back and sometimes they don't. Either they are trying to prove themselves by cutting cost or they have a nephew, cousin or brother in law that owns a Home Depot pressure washer that wants to come in and do it for practically nothing.