lost 1000psi

inspect pump packing. 8 years? WOW! Napa! How long between oil changes? 3500 hours Dang I need one of those machines!
inspect pump packing. 8 years? WOW! Napa! How long between oil changes? 3500 hours Dang I need one of those machines!

Oil changes done quarterly.I used to do it by how many hours,but when the hour meter stopped working I figured quarterly was the easiet way for me to keep up.
is the engine running at full speed or should i say the correct RPM ?

Big ugly redneck(Russ Spence) and I talked about this yesterday.I have no idea honestly and don't really know how to check it.Big Ugly said he had an engine that had dropped some rpm's and he adjusted something under the breather cover at for the carb and it fixed his issue.It appears to be running the same,but after hearing it run for 8yrs I may not have noticed a gradual drop in the rpm's over time.
I haven't made it that far into diagnosing things and jobs are backing up so I need to get this figured out soon.
Big ugly redneck(Russ Spence) and I talked about this yesterday.I have no idea honestly and don't really know how to check it.Big Ugly said he had an engine that had dropped some rpm's and he adjusted something under the breather cover at for the carb and it fixed his issue.It appears to be running the same,but after hearing it run for 8yrs I may not have noticed a gradual drop in the rpm's over time.
I haven't made it that far into diagnosing things and jobs are backing up so I need to get this figured out soon.

I also tinkered with my engine speed bolt this past weekend, wanted max rpm off engine, the nice thing is I can lower the speed at the lever now if need be.

I like this pump from general TSFXXXX 6.3 @ 4350 psi cant remember the #

If you can get your hands on one of these, it will tell rpm of engine and pump, even you surface cleaner bars (stroboscope)

Second best is the tiny tach , will tell the engine speed, and if no slip on belt then you can figure the pump speed buy the pulley ratio.

If I found the right pump rebuild kit it looks like $260ish to get the kit. I am soooooooo frustrated with this.It's like running in circles/

I found the throttle adjustment and added a couple of full turn to see if it would make a difference in the psi.No so luck,but it did make the engine back fire through the carb so I took the turns back out.Can't find an electronic tach anywhere and I don't have a clue what the rpm's of the pump and engine should be.

18hp vangaurd/interpump ws-202(think this is the same as ts2021)
Time for a brand new skid it sounds like. Dont get a pressure pro. ASk big ugly about his opinions

Chris we really need to talk so I can teach you the ways of the tight wad.We don't buy a new skid every time something breaks we repair.Keep in mind this pump is 8yrs old and has cleaned severallllllllllll milllllllllion sq ft of concrete,as well as,houses,trucks,buses and farm equipment.

I know Big Ugly's thoughts on PP equipment he and I had that talk the other day.
I can agree with keeping the machine for a legnthy amount of time, at my 8 year mark I hope I have the same skids, however with that being said its a PP machine so none of mine will last another 2 more than likely.
I could write for days and others as well. search them on here for pressure pro problems and youll find alot I am sure.

I also have no problems fixing when they break its just getting old always fixing something weekly

OK back to topic scott, did you find out whats going on with the machine?

Do you have pressure at the pump or does pressure drop after the unloader?
I could write for days and others as well. search them on here for pressure pro problems and youll find alot I am sure.

I also have no problems fixing when they break its just getting old always fixing something weekly

OK back to topic scott, did you find out whats going on with the machine?

Do you have pressure at the pump or does pressure drop after the unloader?

+10 I would not buy a hot water skid from Pressure Pro after hearing what some people have been going through and what kind of customer service they offer (not too good).

I would either get a cold water machine and buy a quality brand of hot box or just save for a while and get a name brand of something that the company will stand behind and will last without buying transformers all the time until you spend money out of your pocket to replace something that the mgfr. should have replaced (while it is still under warranty). O Well.
Get an RK from Delco. You will thank me, an incredible value for the machine. I get Kohlers on mine. Worth every penny.
I wanted to say a big THANK YOU to Russ Johnson of Southside Equipment for helping me figure out what I needed to get back up and running.He called me yesterday afternoon and said he would be available today once I got the pump head off so I would get what I needed.His willingness to help me out on a saturday shows his dedication to the industy.
Guys Russ is a ROCK STAR among distributors.He knows pressure washing equipment backward,forward and side ways.I don't think there has ever been a time that he hasn't answered his phone when I call( and trust me I have called him alot).
I have never once got a sales pitch for new equipment only suggestions on what was needed to get us up and running again.
Thanks again Russ