Looking for hot water p/w

Just my 2 cents.

I read the post. The man just asked for a pressure washer... "I'm looking for a hot water p/w 5 gpm 3000 to 3500 psi."

It seems to me that Mark was looking for something in particular and he stated what he wanted. 5gpm 3000 to 3500 psi. I thought this section was not for dealers but for contractors. Maybe he was asking for a used unit. Contractors only and the first response was from a dealer in Canada.

I am not trying to get anything started here but this section is for contractors. Don't dealers have their own section?

Just a thought.
Justin, as long as they e-mail you and not respond here. you can turn your e-mail off if you dont want e-mail. the BBS has a switch so you can't be solicited. thats yuor choice....

sometimes used machines can be trouble. however the saving can out weigh the gamble.