Before even thinking of bidding on that job, you should of verified with the AHJ about the KEC certification needs! If needed in your area, pass on the job to a certified KEC company, and they'll probably run... If no certs needed and you really but I mean really want this job, go ahead... It will take you forever to clean the hoods with cold water and no clue on what you're doing but maybe at the end you'll be proud to have tried it and see that KEC is not for everybody...
And by the way Ron, cleaning a kitchen line, walls, walkin freezer and floors are not the same as KEC and you know it! I think that this part of the job could be handle by John but to be honest I don't think the hood cleaning job should be done by someone that has no clue of what he's doing!
Just my 2 cents!
How did you learn? What certification do you hold currently?
I'm curious
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