logo design, what do you think?


New member
a local graphic guy is making a logo for me to use on shirts and whatnot. heres what he came up with, what are your opinions???

it kinda looks old and dated. But that may be a good thing. Like you guys have been around forever.
I dont like it, but its a start.

I hope you wanted my real thoughts, very dull. The colors need to be more vibrant.

i can used any color i want. what would you suggest?
Yawn...By the way I paid $75 for my logo, below.
I'm glad the guys are honest - it would only help to lay it out there... I have to agree - my first thought was that it looked "dated". I am no logo designer, but I put this together in a few minutes. I don't know what your market focus is but you need something that looks professional.


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Josh is onto something...and knowing what your focus is the key.

Branding is paramount and you want something that people will remember. You logo should clearly indicate who you are and what you do. It should not be difficult to read, spell, or remember. It should e eye catching but not overbearing.

The design with the wand is cliche' and dated.