Local distributor?

I agree with you Ron on the small stuff, but sometimes people are just jerks.

In my particular situation, I realized this and specifically went in and asked if they want to work on fixing my burner or if they are too busy with their industrial clients. This isn't a big business, but they have a corner on the market for the local industrial businesses. He said sure they can fix it for me, no problem. Just bring it in and we'll get you fixed up. Well here I am still waiting for everything to get done. All I encounter is lots of excuses, attitude toward my employee, etc. It's just plain poor on their part.
It's great if someone has the aspiration to be national, your goals are your goals, it's all arbitrary. As for a a great local distributor, there is no business or individual who doesn't benefit from someone who does a thing well. It would be in all of our interests to heed that point and develop something of value. Imagine if this forum became a store front how much awesomeness would be born out of that, hell man...look how much is coming from it and it's just text on a screen!