Lets Talk Vac surface cleaner..

Scott: Last I knew you could not buy Mosmatic vac version in th US is this not true, if so where do you purchase them.Thanks DH

Not sure where I saw them.I was search the web so it could have been a foreign company and I didn't realize it.
I had the chance to use a steel eagle last month,nice unit but heavy.
Scott I know I saw the unit on the Mosmatic web site they have a cool vid on the operation then at the end its says only avaliable in Europe not sure why they would not offer it for sale in the states as they make awsome eauipment.dh
Not sure where I saw them.I was search the web so it could have been a foreign company and I didn't realize it.
I had the chance to use a steel eagle last month,nice unit but heavy.
Maybe because they are copying something that has a patent on it and legally cannot sell it in the US. Some countries do not honor or respect patents.

The Steel Eagle has a dual shell design which is patented and from what I have read, Mosmatic copied it so they could not legally sell it in the US.

This guy has made one using a mosmatic shell, and is not really concerned about patents and all that other legal stuff..
If he figured out how to do that, that would be cool. I have seen those advertised with one hose in the back then two and I think one time even 3 hoses coming up from the top of the deck.

If I was selling them, I would be concerned with patent infringing, but that is me.

If it works good then that is great, more competition.

I wish there was one made that had the hoses come from the back or bottom back so it could go under more obstacles. A low profile version would be good.

I am sure that the engineers have tried all kinds of arrangements and found that one to be the best.
What about adding a 'fan blade' like two more spray bars that would create an updraft? Doesn't the schwabby have something like that? If you try it, please report.
If you added a "Fan Blade" it would take more to spin it and that would probably mean that it would need an engine to turn the spray bar as some of the pressure from the machine is used to turn the spray bar already.

If you did that, it would not be so small anymore and be able to do smaller areas.

I am nowhere an expert in this stuff but have some knowledge on how it works with my Steel Eagle 24" Vacuum Recovery system.

I think it would be nice if they could make everything lower to the ground so it could fit under more things and if they could somehow make it lighter. I know that having two domes there it does add a lot to the weight but maybe they could make them out of aluminum.
Keep in mind that the double design with the shell may be patent but it is so on the exact design.. It can be done but with a different twist , it's all ion how you present it.. The Hydro Tek uses an aluminium tube .. so if you use a pvc tube you have done something different.. sort of like wet vacs they all do the same thing but look a little different ... What about surface cleaners they all work basically the same way but look and have different features..Well I got ot put the finishing touches on the new design then its on to the video.... ( Coming Soon )
Hope it works, that would be cool.

See www.sunbritesupply.com for the Lubova re-claim surface cleaners. They use the Mosmatic design. See the Environmental/reclaim equipment section. I beleive these are the ones you were speaking of in this thread.
Good Luck! I hope it works.

You never know, you might be able to sell them if it works good enough or maybe a conversion kit.
Ok the video is loading on you tube as we speak and yes it does pick up water Averageing 4 gallons per minute output from the surface claener I am picking up around 2 1/2 gallons per minute.. after attaching the squeeges which are not in the video but will bw soon I am getting about 3 gallons of water sucked up per minute.. This is better but still not good enough but for the lack of time and the fact that I have to use it tommorrow night on an interior floor cleaning will see what happens..Still waiting on the youtube video to upload..
Still Not Great but better .. The video does not have the squeege attachment around it .. and picks up a little water .. I have added squeege material and it helps a little bit.. I think the vac needs more suction , but most of all I think the surface cleaner is a little to big and bulky.. This is just a prototype..
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/jSbvpTT_ybI&hl=en"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/jSbvpTT_ybI&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Ok we have an update already in progress .. We are going to use it like it is tonight at the Olive Garden on I -55.. Then the unit will be stiped down and a new Stainless dome will be put in place.. I am having one made .. We are going to use Black roll plastic pipe 1 1/4 inches wraped around the outside of the surface cleaner with squeege mateiel attached on .. I think one of the biggest problems we are having ( Not in Video ) is the sqeegue material it doesnt sit on the ground real tight... Plus I am having a tough time understanding vaccuam... the wet vac in the video has 167cfm it is 6.5 hp.. it does not show the lift.. The commercial vacs I have looked at have less cfm and less hp.. I dont get how they could be better for sucking volume???
As for the double shell design I think this would probably work good in my case but its a little more tricky to build..We have even considered taking our design to a friend that has a cnc machine and have the tube cut out in 2 parts and then weld it together using stainless steel.. But as for the prototype I am not real disappointed I am only losing about 1 gallon a minute on my second attempt. So back to the drawing board
Ok we used the surface vac thing last night and it did not work as well as planned.. We ended up taking the vac hose off and setting up a barrier in the low spot of the floor and using squeeges.. Dang so 1" pipe is not the answer.. So now what do we do .. Well we get some Uni strut and make the casters from the deck even wider.. then use 1 1/2 inch black plastic pipe rapped around the outside of the surface cleaner.. Ok this will be my final attempt before I go and blow 1200 or so dollars on a surface cleaner thats overpriced because it has hydrotech written on it . But any way I think I have got the idea down.. I also have another plan for a smaller surface cleaner that is about 14 inches round , vac port of 1 1/2 inch and cleaning of 12 1/2 inches using the shell in shell pricipal.. Will see soon..
How important is IWL if you are only running 16 foot of vac hose? Also when you run a hose around the circumfrence of the surface cleaner how do you determine what size slots to make in it or how many holes you should drill in it ? When building this surface cleaner vac and using my wet vac should I be more concerned with the diameter of the suction hose on the surface cleaner or the CFM and IWL of my wet vac? Which is most important..?
I called MS rubber today and I am looking at 1 1/2 inch otter hose..I think this may be the answer ... 3 foot is going to cost about 20.00 .. I will look into PEX also..I got to do some mod work on the surface cleaner also , I cleaned an interior floor last night and it tok about 6 hours..


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