Lets Talk Sirocco Vacuums

We own a Sirocco VAC system and love it. We have the HP version and it is an impressive machine, we run 500 foot of hose and it performs well. As a matter of fact most of the time we can run the vac just above idle with 150 foot and it does the job.

We also own the Sirocco OWS 66 gal. after working out some of the bugs it is valuable tool.

The equipment is great but it is the company behind it, I have great respect for Jerry, he not only stands behind all of his equipment but exceeds all expectations, for service and professionalism.

The only real problem we had was with the vacuuming surface cleaner, and at that it was not a Sirocco problem but Mosmatic issue, but Jerry took care of it and problem solved.

We are looking forward to the delivery of the new Sirocco 12" vacuuming surface cleaner that will be a great addition to us.

Just having this type of system has added big $$$$$ to our bottom line, we can sell more jobs just based on the fact that we have this equipment when others do not. A large portion of our work is govt based and once they all found out that we could reclaim on such a large level, the work has been flowing steady.

You can see the system in action here:




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VacuBerm and the VacuumingSurfaceCleaner

O.K. Mike.. thanks for the feed back..
About the VacuBerm..
we originally designed it to work with a cheep shop-vac, and it did VERY well..
3 or 4 gpm with a $39.50 shop-vac from WalMart.. sold LOTS of 'em to detailers.
Lots and Lots to be exact.
But, we lost track of it's performance as you-all started buying the bigger vacuums,
as nobody bothered to call and complain, but we woke up, and we've upgraded them
by doubling the holes across the bottom of the Berm, and upgraded the filter pad and sock
to not allow it to get choked with sand and silt as easily, plus, we added the SiltFilter
to lay in front of it, to STOP the sand and silt (almost) completely.. MUCH better results..
8gpm with a 4ft berm, and you can still run 3 of 'em on the PEV2 !
CALL or e-mail me for a FREE upgrade kit for yours, I don't care how old it is !
..ask for the new FilterPad with the black mesh sock.
I might even throw in a SiltFilter. .. :nhl_checking: ......next !!

About the Vacuuming Surface Cleaner..
some of you turn up your gas-engine vac higher than you need to, for the performance you're using at the tools..
When you set up the system, turn up the engine speed to get the desired effect at the tool, at the hose length being used.
Look at the vacuum gauge each time, and you'll see commonality in the required suction for each tool.
As you learn this, you'll save gasoline, and notice the auto-pump-outs work easier. Eh? .....:thumbup:
Once you own "the beef", reliability is all finesse.
As the jobsites change, call for "adjustments".
We've discovered the wheel-brackets flex a little against higher suction.. we'll be beefing them up.
we've added a CamLock coupling at the vac-hose connection,
and.. we now have higher-temp hose available for you guys that want to go over 200 degrees F.

I'm (apparently) glad to help. ....:victory:

SWrest Joe.. ...:neo: t.....thank you.
First Sirocco SGV

Well, I had to think about that one..
the first PEV2 was made in about 1993, (whereabouts unknown,)
the first SGV was made in 1993 or 4, and still in use..
It's a combo vacuum, pressure washer, and carpet & tile cleaning system
..to 4000 psi

I want to know who the first person was to buy a Sirrocco system?
I bought my original one in 2001 I think, while they were still in Santee. The drum was grey, not red. I also had one of the first couple of double electric vacuum motors. I don't think that they had the gasoline powered vacuums at the time.
First Sirocco SGV
<HR style="COLOR: #0000cc; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #0000cc" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Well, I had to think about that one..
the first PEV2 was made in about 1993, (whereabouts unknown,)
the first SGV was made in 1993 or 4, and still in use..
It's a combo vacuum, pressure washer, and carpet & tile cleaning system
..to 4000 psi

<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->__________________
Jerry McMillen
619-448-8111 800-400-2532
www.PressureWasher.net e-mail me at.. Jerry@PressureWasher.net
Sirocco Performance Vacuums, the VacuBerm,
Who's is the BEST?????

:laugh::laugh:Certainly not this Jerry guy, he builds junk, no customer support, lies about people, steals there content, just makes cheap knockoffs of other peoples designs.

Oh never mind that is actually some other people around here.:laugh::laugh:

Of course Sirocco is top of the line, I looked all over the country for a good system, and did find some, but I wanted a great system, and thats why I purchased from him, great products, great service, great value.

Everyone will be able to see some of his equipment at the Tampa and maybe the Charleston show. You will be impressed. I will demonstrate how you can run these units at idle and make $$$$ all day long. The 21" surface cleaners are an amazing time saver, wash concrete and no need to rinse, ask me at the show why this is so important, I will be glad to show ya why. and the little 12" guy is awesome for inside tile work.

In the last year and a half or so I have become friends with Jerry, and not just that he has definitely become a peer and a mentor, we discuss challenging problems all the time, and his engineering insight and capabilities is superb.

I looked at Steele Eagle, and the performance just wasn't there, I looked at Hydro Tek, and to me it just seemed to be a flashy version of a shop vac? that was just not for us. The Delco units at the time didn't really exist, they were still using gravity collection technology. The ability to hook at least one hose and garner suction power has been a real game changer for us, if you think that just vacuuming water for re use or collection, is the only thing that you can do with his Wacs, see me at the show and I will turn you onto a bunch of different types of work that you can get with theses vacuums, ALL BIG $$$$$$$$$ makers, lots of profit!!

There are days where I want to split my company into 2 divisions, One to do the pressure washing and what not. And another to do everything else that buy this vacuum has opened up for us, now don't get me wrong, I love pressure washing, but the ease of making $$ utilizing the vac is very tempting.

You can see the system in action here:




http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5dwtyfmJG4 <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
Sirocco Vacuums

I'm interested in hearing the good and possibly the bad.

Jerry is a distributor here and I know he can take negative comments if there are any.

I want to know about this product, if you have one or your thinking about getting one please do it here.

Thanks for your help
Jerry McMillen

619-448-8111 ............800-400-2532
www.PressureWasher.net e-e at.. Jerry@PressureWasher.net
Sirocco Performance Vacuums, ..... the VacuBerm,
and BullDogPro Industrial Water Blasters

Our tools increase your profitability

Jerry is Giving away a Full recovery Unit at Charleston.
special gift for you that already have a Sirocco

It's SHOW TIME ! ! ! ! :woot:
I have a small but special gift for you guys that already have one of our systems..
come see me in person in Charleston !

We are committed to being the LEADing-edge,
though persistent, open-line communication..
We WANT to know EVERY issue good and bad, at every jobsite..
Your PRODUCTIVITY is the reason we began this reclaim engineering 20 years ago.
and muscling-through a difficult day, makes us grow stronger together.
We aim to be your FAVORITE manufacturer, and with the training we now provide for our dealers,
you will get convenience with the finest technical support.
And again, thank you all for saying "nice things" about our equipment..
We work HARD for those referrals,
just like you do in your business.
Well, I had to think about that one..
the first PEV2 was made in about 1993, (whereabouts unknown,)
the first SGV was made in 1993 or 4, and still in use..
It's a combo vacuum, pressure washer, and carpet & tile cleaning system
..to 4000 psi


I am pretty sure I know where that PEV2 is. It is not in use, because both the vacuum motors died, and I never replaced them. It did get heavy use before they died, though.
Finally got everything and had a chance to hit the ground running on a parking garage. Here's a couple pics.
The vacuuming surface cleaner works fantastic. Moving pretty fast it will suck 80-90% and i only have the 6.5 horsepower moter and blower. Im pushing 5gpm.
Unfortunately that motor isnt enough to pull from the surface cleaner and vacu berm at the same time.
The main problem Im having is silt. The sand trap captures heavy particles, but even after dry blowing the floor first Im clogging up after 3 hours. So there is the problem of stopping and rinsing the cartridge filters. (1st pic.) The second pic is the top floor of the garage. the silt was so bad it clogged the filters so bad in the first pic that it took 20 minutes to get the cartridges out of the casing, they were wedged in so hard.
third pic is how tight I was fitting in this garage. Think I made mistake with the Deck over trailer. Had to let air out of the tires to achieve this much room.
Any way. Back to Jerry. Very helpful, even gave me his cell phone to call if I needed him. Right decision to use Sirrocco brand. Just gotta figure how to filter out more silt before the cartridge.
Great info John, thanks.

How many sq.ft. is the garage?

Glad to see you have the system running great.
yep, silt is a killer. that is why i laugh at the hydrotek systems. they are just way to small
I just stopped by the the Ceta event and witnessed a demo by Advance. They ran a modified surface cleaner with the vacuum mounted to the surface cleaner that pushes the recovered water to the recover tank rather than suck it to the tank. I didn't discuss the price, I only complained about the weight of the unit (250lb. 30" surface cleaner). It looked like a great self contained water recycle unit that would be great for large flat work accounts. I can't help but think this would solve all of the clogging issues.
I'm not ready to replace what I have, but I think they are really on to something.
There should be a rep around the NCE event, but they are packing up the equipment after it's last demo at about 3 today.