Laurens, SC Pressure Washing Sign


New member
I grew up in Laurens, SC. It's a small town about 30 minutes south of Greenville, South Carolina. I don't live in Laurens anymore, but every time I would go to visit I had to pass by this sign. It was covered in rust caused by the irrigation system. It's evident that they made some attempts to clean the sign, but were not successful. I called the city and offered to clean the sign at no charge - they said we had a deal!


Here's a "during" picture showing the progress.

And here's the final result.

I thought it all turned out pretty good!
Good job on the cleaning, I bet they were happy to have it cleaned.
Nice work,

It could be used as an explosive advertising tool also, you then send community officials at all levels a post card with before and after of the donated service, and a couple to the local papers and the community/city webmaster.