Last Post Wins

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Since it was in an open forum, vs behind closed doors, it was possible for everyone to see us having a bit of fun. Since so many think that we are involved in so many backroom deals, like the multi million dollar contracts that I was just given by ron...I thought it better to put it behind closed doors.

It is a really nice 10 gpm Landa that I am going to win, btw...
Just forward it this way, Scott...:D
AHHHH? What is the prize for winning? Did I win?
Hey cool,,, You can submit more than 1 entry?
Is it a Free roof cleaning by your nearest competitor? LOL
That would suck for me.... I live in an apartment!:D
I have no work for tomorrow... I can stay up all night! LOL
Wouldn't un-dead be the same as not dead which would be the same as ALIVE? (did i win)???????
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