Largest Job to date!

Good Job Travis!!! But I will disagree with you somewhat on borrowing money to start a business. Its how you manage the money you borrow, it's in your "Business Plan" how you spend that money. I started 3 yrs. ago and borrowed $15,000.00, by September it will be paid off, but thats how I planned it. But I think I like your way best!!!
what was your plan of attack with one surface cleaner and two guys, 2 machines running, one cleaning one rinsing??
Yes, one cleaning and one going back and forth from dragging hose and rinsing. One section was 400 ft from the trailer. 400 ft of hose is heeaavvy!!
Way to power it out man! How about that feeling when you turn on the machine and you start spraying that first piece of cement and that WHOLE JOB is ahead of you and your not sure how the cement is going to clean up and your wondering how its going to go and feeling a little trapped.... :eek::confused::(

And how about that feeling when you rinse that last inch of cement and its all over and behind you and a payday in front:eek::D;)
Way to power it out man! How about that feeling when you turn on the machine and you start spraying that first piece of cement and that WHOLE JOB is ahead of you and your not sure how the cement is going to clean up and your wondering how its going to go and feeling a little trapped.... :eek::confused::(

And how about that feeling when you rinse that last inch of cement and its all over and behind you and a payday in front:eek::D;)

Yeah, Everything looked waaaay bigger when we first pulled up and started pulling out hoses compared to when I walked around to get the price togeather. I was thinking what in the h*ll have I done?:confused: But it was too late then.LOL
I wanted to share this also.
On the last day we were there working, we had been there for 9 hrs already, and drank up all of the water out of the cooler and were dead tired. So I decided to run up to the little service station (by the way this is on an AFB) and get us something to drink and maybe a snickers or something to give us a boost for the last couple of hrs. I walk in soaking wet covered in mud from head to toe, dragging like a zombie. I get the drinks and and stuff, go up to the counter and realised I did not have my wallet, not a problem I had a couple of dollars in my pocket. Wrong the little old lady says in a smart assey tone I need to see your military ID. We only sell to people in the military here. To shorten this up some, she would'nt sell me 2 gatorades and snickers. Even though she could tell I was absolutely exhausted. So I politely asked her what did she want me to do with the stuff her manager sold me yesterday and all of the fuel I had already burned, and walked away.

Sorry for the rambling, it just really irritated me.