Largest Job to date!


New member
Normally I wouldnt even try to bid something like this, due to lack of equipment, so instead of going and borrowing the money to buy the equipment I figured we could just kill ourselves for a week and go buy it with the money made from the job, and then not ever have to walk away again from $$,$$$. And also not owe anyone any money. I know its nothing to some of you but, considering this job was done with only 2 people and one 16 inch surface cleaner i'ts huge for us. We finished it yesterday with about 35 hours on the job. wpheew am I glad its over. Oh and by the way----im tired.

I really wanted to post this because I saw some people talking about borrowing alot of money to get started and buy all of the big equipment right off the bat. I was once going to go down that same road but I had someone kick me in the brain and tell me that was a bad idea.


  • gunter afb.jpg
    gunter afb.jpg
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Right on brother! You da man.

Doesn't it feel good to not owe money?
Go Travis Go Travis, It's ya birthday Go Travis.....:D
Good Job Buddy!!! Feels good to hurt like that though doesn't it? :)
Conservative business practices keep you out of trouble more often than not. Small business is not like the government. We can't print more money to cover our mistakes. Doing the work is the easy part. Making good business decisions is tough. Good job.
Thats a heck of a job for 2 men and one surface cleaner ! Well done and good luck in the future.
Good job and smart business sense. Reinvesting in your business is a very smart way to grow. Expanding should take time and money, not loans and debt.
Good job bro! keep up the good work. btw i still see some gum spots in the
pic :D j/k
Thats when you soak it down with your chems and let God do the rest !:D
You mention a surface cleaner but did you do the concrete only or was it a roof wash or building wash also???

The job scope was not really talked about so just want to know what was done so I am on the same page.
You mention a surface cleaner but did you do the concrete only or was it a roof wash or building wash also???

The job scope was not really talked about so just want to know what was done so I am on the same page.
It was all the flatwork. Sorry about that.