Largest Job EVER !

thats nice the DOD could be a great start for much larger projects in the future. If i remember correctly Delco did a little boat (battleship) or the flight deck or something like that.
Good Job Russ
Awesome Russ.I'd invest in some 8 gpm machines if I were you.I've noticed an average of 20-30% time savings vs using 5.5s on my piddly regular flatwork accounts.

we are going to more than likely build another super rig, it will have 4 machines and a 1050 gallon tank or 2 - 525 gallon tanks on a 28 foot gooseneck :eek: :eek: :eek:
WOW! That's 112 acres at each location. I can't even think of a retailer that big. I'm guessing manufacturer. I have a friend that owned a small plastic injection company. He tried for years to get WalMart to sell his stuff. After many attempts, one day they said YES. He didn't know whether to celebrate or cry. He made a bunch of money and earned every penny of it. Congrats.

That friend of yours isn't named Mike from South Dakota is it?
29,400,000 x .02=$588,000 29,400,000 x .03=$882,000
29,400,000 x .04=$1,176,000 29,400,000 x .05= $1,470,000
All those numbers are more then I make in a year..Russ you da man;)

That would take me 210/ 10hr days to complete this job in full. I guess this is going to be done in sections, otherwise you will have to buy a house near buy and move in. :D
That would take me 210/ 10hr days to complete this job in full. I guess this is going to be done in sections, otherwise you will have to buy a house near buy and move in. :D

Hey Russ--Did you have a connection to get this type of work or did you go to one of those Gov't type sites to apply??

Nick we will have 6 machines and yes it will be done in sections

and John I had a little insight, I bought a home this year from a full colonel that got me a meeting with a 2 major generals and a Lt General (the base commander)and it went from there, we had made several attempts over the last 2 years with little success. I went and met with the 3 General and did a demo and here we are now.
Soooo Russ, is that considered a General Cleaning then? LOL...
Nice job on getting that account! Looks like a good money maker!
Do you have to wait till the jobs done to get paid? :eek: