just saying hello,,, evryone Post in this thread

where delco is located it is an oxymoron, but downtown Fort Worth is nicer than Dallas! Thanks to the Bass brothers.
Hello from hot, dry North Carolina . Actually we had a couple of afternoon thunderstorms the last few days. Made it muggy as well as hot. It's gotten so bad here that Greensboro,NC has instituted water conservation measures. No car washing, no lawn watering, no serving of water to restaurant patrons (unless it is asked for). They even have a "hot-line" to report abusers of the water restriction codes of which many are gleefully making use of. I hope other parts of this fair country of ours is doing better.
Hello All,
Yes, yet another English guy on this site ( And no Ike, we dont say Ya'll in England,,,thats purley a Texan thing, sorry :).
I just wanted to thank all who contribute to this site and provide a wealth of information to everyone and share stories...it is a great read and lots of humor too.... I have met with Ron ( Yes, he is an @#%&.:O) (Just kidding) and have spoken to Scott a couple of times too. Great Guys.
On thought.......Why do you guys have brail writing on the drive up ATMs over here!???

AZ Domestics
Phoenix, AZ
Hello to all from Illinois
Havent posted alot latley but this is a great board, and have learned alot. Hope to start giving more than I've been taking.

Thanks again:D
Okay, it took some time, but I finally made it through all 6 pages of this post. HI THERE EVERYBODY!!! I sure have learned a lot on this BB, thank you all for your wisdom, I've been trying to soak it all in!

Scher Wash

Hi everybody! I'm sorry for being gone so much, but as you know we have been working on the new BBS for several months now. We have a long way to go but we will get there. Take care everybody. I will get by as often as possible:D :cool:
Nice to Hear from you Guys

Boy I have been busy! I logged in nearly 70 hours last week including Sat. & Sunday. We have 15 people here from all over the US attending the Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning School. It's really busy at times. I haven't been on any BBS in a month or more.

You guys hang in there. Keep on keeping on!
Hey gang - just wanted to add my "hello".

Keep up the good work Mike and Ron (even though, you say you have nothing to do with running this board anymore) - this is a great place to learn!
Tim, I do not make any calls, its mikes baby... I will always support this forum and when i support i give it my all.

Some people will get pissed at this statement but when i was at PWN i promoted the bbs and brought his two bigest contributors to him Mark from easyclean and John the Hotwaterwizard.

I helped make that BBS a success, then i got thrown out for not following the rules. I started my own BBS with no rules other than be a human and treat people fare and help one another.

Today Mike enjoys running the bbs and making all the calls. I enjoy doing what i do best making posts that not only help me but others.

truthfully i have not agreed with everything Mike does but its his now. i just except that and move on. No sense in worrying about how people look at things i don't have the time.

Tim I called you a couple times.
Larry Hinckley are you saying your true age is starting to show though your tough Texas skin?

Ain't growing old mean on us guys?

I mean the gals just keep going back to the Doc for more body work, nip n tuck I believe they call it.

Wow, get busy for a couple days and see all the fun I missed!

Thanks for all the great information you guys provide. One day I hope to have the experience to be one of the "go to" guys around here. That's a ways off yet.

I understand Bigboy just fine. Maybe its a southern thing.??

Mike Williamson
Gainesville, FL
North Florida Pressure Washing
Hello! everyone from sunny Brisbane Australia.
I would like to thank all of the people who have posted on this bbs
you guys have been a great help with your posts.
cheers Robert.