There's been a lot of talk about "Getting Out From Behind The Wand". I find myself in this position and feel my time is almost there. So I wanted to share some thoughts about "When The Time Is Right". This is not a "Dig" at anyone or any situation. I am not this most knowledgeable or successful Contractor here, but we are gaining ground daily and have done quite well to be in business for 5 years now.
First as a Business owner only you will know when that time is right. You were smart enough to build a Business, you will be smart enough to know when to step away from the wand.
Employees are the ones that will allow you to do this...Fully Trained Employees, and this takes time. Your Senior Wash Tech, Crew Leader, whatever should be as knowledgeable (Or More) as you. He will be the key to leaving the wand. You will have to have complete confidence in him as the Leader of his crew and the face of your Business in front of the Customer, remember you won't be there. He is the one that will be responsible for the job being done correctly, and the one responsible if it is not.
Equipment, whatever aspect of washing you do, you've got to have the proper equipment. If you have a large project, 1 or 2 four gpm machines ain't gonna get it. Have a back up unit for the back up unit, and the parts to support your equipment. The break down of a machine because of a $50.00 part can cost you thousands of dollars in down time and productivity.
Don't bite off more than you can chew. Listen to that little voice in your head, he got you to where you're at. Don't be afraid to say you can't do the job, or you can do it but will need some outside help. Be smart and push the ego aside.
Have A Plan. Whether building a Business or starting a project....Have A Plan before you start. Write it down like you're writing a novel. Where to start, where to stop, problem areas, precautions, etc. This should be something that you and your crew leader will be on the same page with, and should probably be written together with him (Or Her).
Letting Go should be a smart Business Decision and not "Peer Pressure" this should not be rushed by anything or anyone.
The Business Plan I wrote in '05 says that I would be full time this year, I am. Projected revenue was exceeded in June. Business Plan says that I should be able to step away in 2 more years. The Plan hasn't failed me yet, so I'll stick to the Plan.
Plan For Success, Not Failure.
Please add any thoughts or advice to guys that may be planing to step away.
Good post Guy!