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This is worth watching. This preacher definitely has his heart right and his head on straight.
Wow.....I like it...One of my best friends is a retired ironworker. He would vote for the devil if he ran on the democrat ticket. He is willing to overlook all these lies of Obama but yet he has somehow come to the conclusion that:

Bush started the war in Iraq simply to make money for his friends...

Bush was a draft-dodger because he missed some days in the national guard(But Clinton walked on water)

He won't even INVESTIGATE this deciever we are on the verge of electing.

What is the matter with people?

"Bush lied, people died", they say.


How are you lying if you trust data given to you by someone else? (Great Britain)

Where are the WMD's? Nonexistent. It was bad intelligence. But everyone believed it, even the democrats. (Except for the lord and savior B.H. Obama)

Bush was and IS man enough to say "we didn't find any".

Bill Clinton would have planted all kinds of WMD's if he were in the same situation. How can I say that with confidence? Because he looked us all in the face and lied and we all know it now.

Don't you REMEMBER the wagging finger in YOUR FACE? .... "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms Lewinski." That finger wagging in your face was representive of the disdain Clinton and Obama have for YOU and me. Obama is now the official "bearer of the finger".

Thanks to Bill Clinton my 14 yr old doesn't think a BJ is sex. Thank you democrats.

Change....we need change.....

When your pressure washer is running poorly do you put a stick of dynomite in it? That would be change. Wouldn't it?

That's the kind of change you promote with B. Hussein Obama.

Wake up people!!!

You're going to have more change than you wanted if you elect the half-democrat McCain. But at least with McCain you have a man with verifiable character.

Oh...Jeez...I hope I'm not having a heart attack!!....

No...I'm ok....

Recently He said we need a civilian force equal to and funded as well as the military. Are you insane? You democrats (Clinton) murder civilians and their families who clain to be "militia" but your lord and savior just advocated a federally funded militia with the overtones of balancing the power of the military! Insanity!

Ok, I'm done. I wish I still smoked. I need a cigarette. Secondhand anyone?
Just hold on for the ride on either Tuesday night or Weds if Obama LOOSES were going to see things we have not seen in a long time in this country and the worse part is a lot of us work out at NIGHT :eek:

It's not going to be a Pretty Site, Heck if he wins it won't be.....

If you goe to boortz. com I believe thats right , Its a web sight for neil boortz radio show, He wrote the fair tax along with Congressman JohnLender from Ga. Anyway we DID FIND WMDs, just this year we removed tons of mustard gas (Im pretty sure thats what SODAM used to murder hundreds of thousands of innocent Kurds).

How can anyone say that there were no WMDs

The kurds I'm sure would dissagree.

God bless America

Or if Barry gets in (the soviet states of America) Ripped that off from savage.
7 years after 9/11 and a Muslim is going to be President of the United States.:rolleyes:

Jeez Matt, that gives me the creeps---never considered that connotation.

Guys, be locked and loaded on Tues night/Wed if Hussein loses. If you are anywhere near a city, I'd expect rioting (says a lot for Hussein supporters, huh).

Gun/ammo sales are already way high so it's obvious others expect this as well.

Read this if you want to find out what Hussein has in store for your guns. Very crafty on his part---he says he "supports lawful users, hunters, etc"....thing is, he doesn't even need to propose legislation to destroy the
2nd Amendment. He only has to sign the laws that are already proposed! So he comes out sqeaky clean.

I believe the 2nd Amend. is the lynch pin between peace and civil war in our country. Once the govt breaches that constitutional right, all hell breaks loose IMO. People that have been idle up to that point will become engaged. That will be the time when the cleansing will begin IMO.
Gun sells are UP BIG TIME all across the country right now and I wonder Why? I sure as hell don't Trust him or BIDEN, he is a GUN GRABBER FROM WAY BACK.

The worse part is most of us work out at night and tues or weds night could be a mess who knows.
Hope in hell everybody votes tomorrow we can't afford him to run this country (obama) when %75 of other want him in office it is not to better us