Joint Conventions with other types of Business.

The ultimate partnership meeting!!!!

  • Yes it could be done but maybe at a much smaller scale

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No we have enough Conventions and RT's anyway

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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My cousin Kent Valadez owns "Pristine Landscaping"in the Hampton's Long Island NY. He also does Commercial Powerwashing. I actually lost out on a commercial account to him around 8 yrs ago. The kicker with this is that I did the Owner of this Commercial Company(The Largest family owned business in NY) houses, His family houses and decks for years. I guess he wanted me to keep doing his personal stuff and my cousin do his Commercial stuff because My cousin is much larger then I am. I wasn't happy about that but Business is Business.This Owner of these stores is very well known in NY.

My cousin being the business man that he is has told me to get into landscaping out in my neck of the woods. A ton of money in it. I may do that down the road but for now I am happy where I am at. We specialized in Residential Cleaning and also do Commercial work...and I do have my other job. So my plate is full for now.

So that is my story and that is why I started this thread like this and also because Guy Blackmon wanted me to continue on with a thread similar to the one I Closed.

Remember this is just me thinking aloud. This is something Ron,myself and many other have done on the net for years. Its not to hurt anyones business.I can tell you I learned something in this post. I didn't realized how some can be so against this like Guy and it does make sense in his area so it seems. SO with that this has to be more thought out if it ever was to come to Fruition.

SO far its 5 for this Idea including Ron & 3 against. I can feel the passion that this thread may bring out. I am all ears..err I mean eyes.
I am glad that Ron has this bbs here because it has helped a lot of us here in many ways.

Ron is very intelligent, sharp and has a lot of great ideas, I hope he keeps up these Round Tables for a very long time.

Keep up the good work Ron!
So that is my story and that is why I started this thread like this and also because Guy Blackmon wanted me to continue on with a thread similar to the one I Closed.

Thats a false statement John! I asked you to re-open the thread you closed, I did not ask you to continue anything, you volunteered to start a similar thread. If you would like I can post the PM you sent me.

And You Overstepped Your Authority By Closing That Thread!!!

Again John this is not about ME, this is about the guys that an idea like this will affect!!!!

John, I do not regard you as a stupid person, so I still believe there is something more to this than meets the eye. And I intend to find out what it is.
Hey Guy if you feel you need to post my Private messages to you and they are private..Go ahead if thats your intentions.

The other thread remains closed and I did tell you I would post a similiar thread so you can voice your opinion that you wanted to express in the thread after it was closed. So that thread remains closed and if you think I over stepped my authority then do what you have to do then.

I was being kind by putting your name in there.I don't know what else I can tell you. Also about you getting to the bottom of this I have no clue what your talking about. I'm getting the idea that you think I brought this up because Carlos is tied into the Landscaping business. IF thats what your thinking then that is way off.

What your seeing in this post is like I said just little ole me by myself with no helping hands doing this post on my own. Its not that hard to do.

Investigate this all you want.This is not why I post so guys like yourself can get to the bottom of this--Your words. SO do what ever it is that you have to do and enjoy waisting your valuable time....getting nowhere.

IF Ron wanted to post here he would tell you I've always posted like this without anyone holding my hand.. Have fun in your investigations.
HEY John!!! I said if you would like me to post the PM, I have never, or will never post a PM from someone. You brought my name into a misstatement or untruth, I will not call it a lie because I don't believe that was your intent!!!!!!!

I said what Ron said as far as closing the thread!!!

And what has Carlos got to do with this???? Carlos is a good friend of mine, don't you think his name gets dragged through crap enough?????

Guys like myself, exactly what does that mean??? A UAMCC member????

I am sorry John, I have a overriding passion for this Industry and the contractors in it. Anything I see that could harm them or their livelihood makes me very agitated. Guess i should have run for a BOD seat.
I left for a little bit and now John makes a false statement and it is caught by Guy, How is putting Guy's name into a false statement being kind to him John?

You are really not making any sense here. I would stop the false statements, you really stepped into it here and got caught.

I agree with Guy, that other thread should have stayed open, it had some great posts in there and showed some things that people need to see.

I know that there is more to it than what meets the eye.

Guy, he does have a good point, you will never get anywhere....... especially with the way he does with the double-talking, twisting of words and always changing the subject that he does, sometimes hard to follow what he is talking about. Maybe that is why John posts the way he does.
HEY John!!! I said if you would like me to post the PM, I have never, or will never post a PM from someone. You brought my name into a misstatement or untruth, I will not call it a lie because I don't believe that was your intent!!!!!!!

I said what Ron said as far as closing the thread!!!

And what has Carlos got to do with this???? Carlos is a good friend of mine, don't you think his name gets dragged through crap enough?????

Guys like myself, exactly what does that mean??? A UAMCC member????

I am sorry John, I have a overriding passion for this Industry and the contractors in it. Anything I see that could harm them or their livelihood makes me very agitated. Guess i should have run for a BOD seat.

Just wondering why you would do that to Guy, John????

Guy is a good person and has morals and is looking out for his fellow contractors, right now it does not look like you are doing the same at all, more like twisting things around, making false statements and trying to bring lowballers and hacks into our industry, maybe there is a reason why? Maybe for some type of reason, personal gain or otherwise?

Sure looks suspicious.
HEY John!!! I said if you would like me to post the PM, I have never, or will never post a PM from someone. You brought my name into a misstatement or untruth, I will not call it a lie because I don't believe that was your intent!!!!!!!

I said what Ron said as far as closing the thread!!!

And what has Carlos got to do with this???? Carlos is a good friend of mine, don't you think his name gets dragged through crap enough?????

Guys like myself, exactly what does that mean??? A UAMCC member????

I am sorry John, I have a overriding passion for this Industry and the contractors in it. Anything I see that could harm them or their livelihood makes me very agitated. Guess i should have run for a BOD seat.

:happydance::happydance:GUY FOR BOD!!!!!!:happydance::happydance:

Oh crap! Too late! :thud:
I left for a little bit and now John makes a false statement and it is caught by Guy, How is putting Guy's name into a false statement being kind to him John?

You are really not making any sense here. I would stop the false statements, you really stepped into it here and got caught.

I agree with Guy, that other thread should have stayed open, it had some great posts in there and showed some things that people need to see.

I know that there is more to it than what meets the eye.

Guy, he does have a good point, you will never get anywhere....... especially with the way he does with the double-talking, twisting of words and always changing the subject that he does, sometimes hard to follow what he is talking about. Maybe that is why John posts the way he does.
There goes Chris again starting trouble by twisting everything I'm saying.
Just wondering why you would do that to Guy, John????

Guy is a good person and has morals and is looking out for his fellow contractors, right now it does not look like you are doing the same at all, more like twisting things around, making false statements and trying to bring lowballers and hacks into our industry, maybe there is a reason why? Maybe for some type of reason, personal gain or otherwise?

Sure looks suspicious.

Yea OK Chris whatever you say with your never ending conspiracy theories. Hey Guess what because of once again you are starting to drag another thread down and coaxing people into trying to get them to argue with each other..well good job. This thread is Closed.
Removed at the request of poster.
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