Joint Conventions with other types of Business.

The ultimate partnership meeting!!!!

  • Yes it could be done but maybe at a much smaller scale

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No we have enough Conventions and RT's anyway

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Clean County PW

Active member
In the past the PWNA did a 2004 Convention with the IWCA in Dallas. IT was a blast. There were a ton of People there and it was just an overall success. I personally never heard a bad word about that.

With that being said how would you Powerwashers feel about doing a Convention or a Large type Roundtable co-sponsored by other types of businesses such as Landscapers,IWCA,Carpet Cleaners etc.

I think its a great idea to have a very large Venue with these type of businesses along with some others and do it as on huge joint adventure.

What do you guys think?? I'll put a post up and after you answer it if you can explain why you think it is a good idea or it just totally sucks.

Keep it clean with your responses because we are not trying to belittle anyone...we just want your idea's. Or should I say I would love to hear your idea's.
Thanks--John T.
My philosophy is to Network with as many businesses that I may have an interest in to adding to my already existing business. Also some of these other groups have alot of capital so they may have an interest in spending some of that capital to make this happened.

Could it ever happen?? I say yes. Would it happen in the near future?? Probably not since each type of business has there own orgs assoc etc.

I do know one thing it would be exciting to see a bunch of different groups that wanted to do this and they all advertise this to happen. Do it in AC or do it in Vegas..I could see this being a show attended by Thousands.

But also I know there are plenty of people out there who want nothing to do with other type businesses and there attitude is for us to stay in our backyard and for them to stay in there's. Its basically a Philosophy as to what you believe in your business.

I can hear Ron breathing down my back right about now:winknudge:
I have no problem with the IWCA, great folks! They were at Myrtle Beach.

Landscapers, Lawn Guys, Carpet Cleaners, etc... Large Problem!!! Networking is one thing, bringing into the 'Fold" these other guys is a whole new ballgame John.

Whats the advantage, what is there to gain by doing this??? More competition in my market??? Is this going to help the 95% of guys here that Pressure Wash and thats all they do???

In my market "You Can't Sling A Dead Cat' without hitting a Landscaper OR Lawn Guy. And more of them are adding pressure washers to their trailers everyday. You know why??? they've whored out their market so bad that now their moving into mine, so they can whore it out and lowball their way into making enough money until landscaping or lawn mowing picks back up.

I know that they won't bother your market at all John, but they would kill mine.

Just answer me this, Why in the world did you come up with this idea???

Sucks, doesn't begin to describe the feelings I have on this subject!!!:kma:
Guy Blackmon;16649[COLOR="Red" said:
I know that they won't bother your market at all John, but they would kill mine. There is always a concern about Landscapers,painters and so many other groups coming into my market but I would rather network with them then just let them Lowball the heck out of my area. I network with a couple of painters and pool guys alone around here so that helps all three of us because we all have reputable businesses.

Just answer me this, Why in the world did you come up with this idea???I just really brought up to do a think tank with you guys and see what your thoughts were on this. I represent no one else on this except to say this is my late night spatter.

Sucks, doesn't begin to describe the feelings I have on this subject!!!:kma:Well its like the old just can't please all of the people all of the time. I'm guessing your having some hard times with some landscapers in your area. IF that is the case maybe you can find a way to network with them. Just a though. As for Lowballers I deal with them also in just the Powerwashing field itself.

Anyone else have some plus or minus thoughts about this??
Oh no John, We're not having a problem with landscapers, we're having our best year ever!!!

I'm not thinking about me John, ( I know this will sound strange to you ) I'm thinking about the 5 or 6 calls I get a week from guys that are hurting, in part because these people are killing their business!!!

If you go back to the thread you closed, you said that " I specialize in a different kind of Pressure Washing " and you're not worried about these guys. Now you say "there's always a concern" make up your mind John!!!

Now this is just an observation from a dumb ole country boy John, but if you look at the first 6 posts of the thread you closed, you used the word I 28 times. Just food for thought.
+10 Great observation Guy! I thought it was only 26, I guess I was wrong wasn't I? hahahahahahaha

I have no problem networking with other industries, I just don't want them here to learn what I do and then go and start lowering prices in my area since they don't value services, especially their own.

It is amazing how people think about a certain part of the country, when they get to see another part of the country after hearing a certain thing about it all the time then their eyes really open up.

I don't see why he closed the other thread, what he was suggesting is what Ron has been doing for over a year or two at least, promoting it all over the boards, has many, many, many videos about it here and on the other boards, has many, many, many pictures of the events all over the boards, etc.... It is ok John if you did not know what is going on, maybe you were busy working and did not hear about the Round Tables for the past 1.5 years on all the boards, that is ok. There were some good conversations in that thread that was closed. It is ok, we are only human.
Closed Tread......When this tread gets to hot will it be closed it?
Last night when there was 2 people on this forum there was about 900 on the landscaping forum. Do you really wanna show landscapers this trade. Telling a landscaper ill give you landscaping if you give me pressure washing is one thing. Educating a landscaper on pressure washing will destroy this industry.

I have been to 2 round tables..........both had a lot of education on how to pressure wash!

Say No To Landscapers at Round Tables........
Closed Tread......When this tread gets to hot will it be closed it?
Last night when there was 2 people on this forum there was about 900 on the landscaping forum. Do you really wanna show landscapers this trade. Telling a landscaper ill give you landscaping if you give me pressure washing is one thing. Educating a landscaper on pressure washing will destroy this industry.

I have been to 2 round tables..........both had a lot of education on how to pressure wash!

Say No To Landscapers at Round Tables........

Start a Campaighn
If you're a Property Service Provider this would be a great idea!!! But the forums that John speaks of aren't those kind of forums!

I just don't understand why John would throw this idea out there to guys that make a living off just Pressure Washing, and do their best against sub-standard competition like these guys every day!!!!!

From my understanding John has a large reputation in the Pressure Washing Industry. He has been a part of PWNA, UAMCC, and other ORG's. For the life of me, I'm just trying to understand why a Man like this would put out an idea like this that could and would Cut The Throats Of The Very Contractors That He Represents Or Has Been A Part Of!!!!!!!!

As far as closing the thread, I pm'd John and asked him to reopen the thread, he said that because of personal attacks, and that it was not going over well, that as a SUPER MODERATOR (Whatever That Means, And I'm Not Impressed!!!) that the thread was closed and would stay closed.

Ron, would you mind talking to the Moderators, Mini Moderators, Super Moderators, and Super Duper Moderators, and ask them not to close a thread when they start one just because they have stepped in a pile of You Know What!!!

Thanks Buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you're a Property Service Provider this would be a great idea!!! But the forums that John speaks of aren't those kind of forums!

I just don't understand why John would throw this idea out there to guys that make a living off just Pressure Washing, and do their best against sub-standard competition like these guys every day!!!!!

From my understanding John has a large reputation in the Pressure Washing Industry. He has been a part of PWNA, UAMCC, and other ORG's. For the life of me, I'm just trying to understand why a Man like this would put out an idea like this that could and would Cut The Throats Of The Very Contractors That He Represents Or Has Been A Part Of!!!!!!!!

As far as closing the thread, I pm'd John and asked him to reopen the thread, he said that because of personal attacks, and that it was not going over well, that as a SUPER MODERATOR (Whatever That Means, And I'm Not Impressed!!!) that the thread was closed and would stay closed.

Ron, would you mind talking to the Moderators, Mini Moderators, Super Moderators, and Super Duper Moderators, and ask them not to close a thread when they start one just because they have stepped in a pile of You Know What!!!

Thanks Buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Very good points Guy!

I did not know that there were so many levels of Moderators out there. hahahahaha

For all we know, there might be some Super Ultimate Supreme Moderators and some Super Duper Ultimate Supreme Majestic Moderators also. hahahahaha

This is all just too funny! hahahahahahaha

I agree with you Guy 100%

There are a lot of us here that ALL WE DO IS PRESSURE WASHING SO THIS IS OUR ONLY SOUCE OF INCOME where others out there might do this part time so they might not see the ramifications as easily, they might not be so TRANSPARENT to them or maybe they just don't think about it as they have other sources of income and losing some work might not hurt them like it will hurt us. You just never know.

Great post Guy!
Very good points Guy!

I did not know that there were so many levels of Moderators out there. hahahahaha

For all we know, there might be some Super Ultimate Supreme Moderators and some Super Duper Ultimate Supreme Majestic Moderators also. hahahahaha

This is all just too funny! hahahahahahaha

I agree with you Guy 100%

There are a lot of us here that ALL WE DO IS PRESSURE WASHING SO THIS IS OUR ONLY SOUCE OF INCOME where others out there might do this part time so they might not see the ramifications as easily, they might not be so TRANSPARENT to them or maybe they just don't think about it as they have other sources of income and losing some work might not hurt them like it will hurt us. You just never know.

Great post Guy!
10+ I agree with You and Guy I am part time pressure washer but I also see no good in having landscapers and other trades companies having personal invite. Live in Florida you would not beleave who is pressure washing down here. In just residential pressure washer here is list different type trades that pw home in florida painters, landscapers, maid companies and retires just few off the the top my head. John I am not trying to attack you but pressure washing in NY state and in florida are two different things you have few months make years earnings down florida it is year round with may be few slow month but not much.
10+ I agree with You and Guy I am part time pressure washer but I also see no good in having landscapers and other trades companies having personal invite. Live in Florida you would not beleave who is pressure washing down here. In just residential pressure washer here is list different type trades that pw home in florida painters, landscapers, maid companies and retires just few off the the top my head. John I am not trying to attack you but pressure washing in NY state and in florida are two different things you have few months make years earnings down florida it is year round with may be few slow month but not much.

+10 Great post Chris, very well put!

When I was down in Florida for the NCE Round Table in Tampa ( a great networking event that had a lot of organizations present, the EPA was there, the water department along with great speakers and great demos, kind of like the Round Tables Ron has been organizing for over 1.5 years now), I got to see a lot of the bandit signs, yard signs, signs on poles advertising lowballing prices for pressure washing, roof cleaning, pool cages, concrete cleaning, etc....

It is really amazing how many lowballers and hacks there are there, I really thought that the guys in Florida were joking about how many there are there but I got to see a very small example of what it is like there, believe me it is really true!

I heard a couple guys there say that if you throw a rock into a crowd, the rock would hit 5 pressure washers and 10 roof cleaners before the rock hit the ground. That says a lot about the competition there, I would not want to do anything that increased the competition any more than what it is if I lived there.

Maybe in some places there is not a lot of competition and that is good for them but for others, it is like a daily struggle. I know there will be some smarta** comment to this one comment here but that will show you who is really the A** and who does not care about anyone but themsel and does not really know what it is like to live in areas where there is really a lot of competition.
John, congratulations!!!!! I see you were elected to the BOD for the UAMCC!!!!!

I'm sure all the contractors will be glad to know that you are there for them and will look out for their best interests as Pressure Washing Contractors!!!!

Funny, I don't see your idea posted over there. Why don't you post it over there, I'm sure you'll get a great response.
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+10 Great post Chris, very well put!

When I was down in Florida for the NCE Round Table in Tampa ( a great networking event that had a lot of organizations present, the EPA was there, the water department along with great speakers and great demos, kind of like the Round Tables Ron has been organizing for over 1.5 years now), I got to see a lot of the bandit signs, yard signs, signs on poles advertising lowballing prices for pressure washing, roof cleaning, pool cages, concrete cleaning, etc....

It is really amazing how many lowballers and hacks there are there, I really thought that the guys in Florida were joking about how many there are there but I got to see a very small example of what it is like there, believe me it is really true!

I heard a couple guys there say that if you throw a rock into a crowd, the rock would hit 5 pressure washers and 10 roof cleaners before the rock hit the ground. That says a lot about the competition there, I would not want to do anything that increased the competition any more than what it is if I lived there.

Maybe in some places there is not a lot of competition and that is good for them but for others, it is like a daily struggle. I know there will be some smarta** comment to this one comment here but that will show you who is really the A** and who does not care about anyone but themsel and does not really know what it is like to live in areas where there is really a lot of competition.

+10 and then some...

I have seen postings on craigs list in our area for $150 any single residence, 1 floor roof cleaning... $250 for any 2 floor single residence roof cleaning...

It is crazy trying to advertise against this kind of thing...
John, congratulations!!!!! I see you were elected to the BOD for the UAMCC!!!!!

I'm sure all the contractors will be glad to know that you are there for them and will look out for their best interests as Pressure Washing Contractors!!!!

Funny, I don't see your idea posted over there. Why don't you post it over there, I'm sure you'll get a great response.

That is a good point Guy!

Things that make you go Hmmmmmmmm.........
John asked a question about what people thought about this and the response was pretty strong

I suspect all of this is moot anyway

Ron is putting a lot of energy in all of these round tables and shows

My impression of ron is:
He believes in networking and education I don't think he will turn anyone away at the door who wants to learn

Finally a minor point the president of umacc has a very strong background
In landscaping more so than powerwashing .. technically a landscaper is already making decisions about your future .I would suspect to increase membership umacc may actively solict landscapers to join

So at the end of the day John's only mistake was ask peoples opinions on a subject
John asked a question about what people thought about this and the response was pretty strong

I suspect all of this is moot anyway

Ron is putting a lot of energy in all of these round tables and shows

My impression of ron is:
He believes in networking and education I don't think he will turn anyone away at the door who wants to learn

Finally a minor point the president of umacc has a very strong background
In landscaping more so than powerwashing .. technically a landscaper is already making decisions about your future .I would suspect to increase membership umacc may actively solict landscapers to join

So at the end of the day John's only mistake was ask peoples opinions on a subject

He worked for a landscape company for years. I didnt even think about that.
That is another good point, he can get landscapers to join and suggest that the members welcome the landscapers in with open arms and to help them learn the pressure washing business so they all can share the wealth. Sound familiar?
Are landscapers cleaners? Technically if you're "cleaning up leaves & grass", would they be a mobile contractor cleaner? Uh oh.
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