Jerry's Bullet Proofing Instruction

I can't express my thanks for Jerry properly for being a friend to our family and an outstanding vendor.

The training was worth every penny and more.

And the hospitality he showed us in San Diego a week ago was awesome. His daughter Lianna took off from her duties at and spent an entire day showing Fayth and Kianna (Tom Cusick's daughter) around Seaworld. For a very mature 15 year old to take on two ten year olds at a theme park was asking a lot! But they got along great!

Liana also tried to teach the girls how to surf the next day.

Thanks for your hospitality Jerry!

I was on the usual..




Hey.......I didn't get taught how to surf when I was there!!! JK.

Jerry and his staff are absolutely top notch in the way they do everything. From product to customer service they are one of the very few business I've ran across that do business in the way that they do.

I'm looking forward to going back in October.
Thanks guys ! :{)

At the October event..
we'll have special deals on pressure washers, and demonstrations of equipment that will blow your mind !..
Instant-Capture cleaning systems (of course),
diesel engine systems (vac included) for SUPER-quiet running. ..and more
DON'T miss this event !