I've Been Ripped Off Too!!!

Holy crap Guy let it go, dozens if not more have that as a logo, You have to have seen all these other logo's. Your beef is with who ever charged you for a very basic generic design. Or more importantly the one who cut the check.
neither one of you are being RESONABLE, RATIONAL, or LOGICAL with this!!

Definitely not REASONABLE, RATIONAL or LOGICAL. Cant we all just get along....its not ROCKET SCIENCE....to have a wand in your logo.

Hot Shot, you're right man!! By posting this I am letting it go. But if someone takes part of something you've paid for, it's called STEALING.

Chris, the bad part about this whole thing ( besides your spelling ) is if you had shown respect and asked I would have said Cool. Sorry I called you a punk, guess that would give punks a bad name. Hope to see you at an RT somewhere, maybe we could discuss it then, I would enjoy that a lot!!!

Guy's, theres a lot of you I've met over the years on here, and you know me. I can see where this looks like a bunch of B.S., and you might be right. But when it comes to someone ripping your Business off ( even part of it ), call me and tell me how it feels.

All you had to do was send Chris a pdf of your brochure in the beginning and his whole attitude would have been different. You accused him of stealing right off the bat and he didn't steal anything.

If you read the thread we were working through a lot of different ideas for a logo so we could quickly get it to the stencil guy in time for the RT. Chris Francis sent Chris S. the one he's using now. We thought he made it and asked him (right there in black and white) in the thread if we could use it.

As SOON as I looked up the thread on PT State (Chris has never been on that board) Chris pulled his logo up and started trying to change it enough that would make you happy, but would not completely ruin his stencil.

We didn't steal anything from you. How was he supposed to ask you about something he didn't know?

But you have stolen any credibility you might have had from yourself by trying to be a badazz threatening a 22 yr old.

Maybe we'll see you at "an" Roundtable somewhere tough guy. (a is spelled "a" not "an".

I've advised him to change nothing now. He doesn't owe you a thing. Especially not respect.
Scott, If someone ripped PW Mafia, you'd kick a door down!!! And I wouldn't blame you. Bad Azz? I've seen you go off on less crap than this. Respect To The Mafia!!!

The PWM stuff is copy writed and Bob and myself own exclusive right.The wand logo has been on free clip art sites for years.
Yep,I do fly hot when someone attacks what the PWM is.There are those who would have the world believe it was a way for Bob or myself to make money.Simply put IT's NOT.
better entertainment in the thread above this titled "gotta see this"
hey guys its a wand and spray in five min. i made about 3 diff. ones get over it and lets get-r-done and over with.the fight is against the guys that dont do professional work out there and tear up our industry.my .02
Like I said, Sorry guys, Good Luck Chris!!! Logo Looks Great!!!

Do you believe there was no intention to steal anything from you Guy?

Did you go back and read the thread starting on the second page where Chris Francis posted the gun, we asked if we could use it, he said yes, we thanked him and he told us we could buy him lunch for it?

Chris S is far from a punk. He's the hardest working kid I know and for what he's doing he doesn't need to know how to spell.

Like I said, when we saw your logo for the first time TODAY, he immediately pulled his up to try to make changes on it to make it different. The last thing he would want to do is steal from somebody.

He just didn't know.

Do you believe that?
Do you believe there was no intention to steal anything from you Guy?

Did you go back and read the thread starting on the second page where Chris Francis posted the gun, we asked if we could use it, he said yes, we thanked him and he told us we could buy him lunch for it?

Chris S is far from a punk. He's the hardest working kid I know and for what he's doing he doesn't need to know how to spell.

Like I said, when we saw your logo for the first time TODAY, he immediately pulled his up to try to make changes on it to make it different. The last thing he would want to do is steal from somebody.

He just didn't know.

Do you believe that?

Tony if you want me to take a run at the logo, Id be happy to help.. Im pretty good with graphic design

I do Tony! Your reputation proceeds itself, If you say it, I believe it. I have truly made a mountain out of a mole hill!!! And am Man enough to admit it. Chris I should have gone about this another way. Sorry for calling you a punk, that was not right on my part. My son also works with me, and is a hard worker. Really wished I hadn't posted any of this ( the pissing match ). To much Work, to much Redbull, not enough sleep = Azz-Hole.
I apoligize to for being an azz about this. I hope that from all this tomarrow will be a new day and we can both make some money good luck with your work.
Ta Da! Real men working things out with minimal pee on trees. Nice job fellas :)
I do Tony! Your reputation proceeds itself, If you say it, I believe it. I have truly made a mountain out of a mole hill!!! And am Man enough to admit it. Chris I should have gone about this another way. Sorry for calling you a punk, that was not right on my part. My son also works with me, and is a hard worker. Really wished I hadn't posted any of this ( the pissing match ). To much Work, to much Redbull, not enough sleep = Azz-Hole.

Guy, what can we do to fix this? We'll do whatever we need to. He's got about 1000 business cards and a few shirts with the gun on it. I hope you don't mind if he uses those up. We can change it, maybe change colors, change the shape of the gun or something and next time Chris can order the new design.

Let us know what you'd like us to do.