Its Official Scott Stone Ron Musgraves Seminar Coming Soon

I know I know charge as little as possible don't use chems and wash really fast. Close eyes while washing

Text me anytime for question 480-522-5227 Larry Millette won the last months free iPad !!!

That can only be done on coastal garages.
This sounds like a excellent learning experience. I will definitely make it. Thank you guys for being so gracious with your knowledge and time. Awesome!!!
I do remember, and we had a blast. I think that I am looking at this one a little different. I am thinking maybe a boot camp with Business 101, learning how to read a spread sheet and make projections, how to write government proposals, figuring costs and how they relate to your business, along with the stuff like how to clean a parking garage, what to look for, and the best chemicals to use, and how to apply them, and not need $150,000 in equipment to do it properly.

That sounds great Scott.
Triple awesome !!!
Unlike some recent events that were by "invitation only", expensive, unattended and time wasting.....aaaaaaah , I will stop here (lol)
Thank you guys for being GREAT !!!

Get ready because we will not be three days in a garage and run equipment for 30 minutes

Iowa July 19 & 20 free free text me for more details !!
Wait? What? We aren't going to have regulatory, union or insurance issues, (depending on who is receiving the story, and what version is being shared)? It must be a garage that someone already services.
Live, as in everyone's invited, or live as in streaming video?
If Ron and I were on a show together, I would be able to talk even less then I do when I am with my wife.
Only if we do it early and the Dbacks are in the series. I think we can even toss a dingy in Tempe town lake.
So when is the date Ron??

What month??

I'm guessing a few months Jay. Ron and Scott still have to publish it on all the boards about how big of a grand event it's going to be, design and make up a bunch of flyers and of course reserve the $4,000 a night suite at a 5 star hotel complete with wet bar and own private pool. And of course they have to reserve a special guest speaker that has never held the wand of a pressure washer in their life also.
I'm guessing a few months Jay. Ron and Scott still have to publish it on all the boards about how big of a grand event it's going to be, design and make up a bunch of flyers and of course reserve the $4,000 a night suite at a 5 star hotel complete with wet bar and own private pool. And of course they have to reserve a special guest speaker that has never held the wand of a pressure washer in their life also.

and post pics of a room with a view, hire security, etc etc..........