It Happens to the Other Guys-Not me!

David Saulque

Senior Moderator
This Tuesday while working at a large property that we have been cleaning systems for better than 10 years. This property is strung out with 15 different kitchen locations under one roof. Well as I have done on each visit I check my managers work and point out the positives and the negatives. Well while inspecting and in the process of coming off a grill I took a 5 foot fall onto the floors ending up with my face at the floor drain.

Well I let out a scream and everyone was gone. I was in a state of shock with no clear issues. I decided to stay calm and relax and take a short nap on the cold floor. Ten minutes pass or so and I was able to get to my feet and pull myself to my workers for some sympathy. For the rest of the day I was unable check system or even think about it. That night we made it back to Sacramento and home and some pain meds. Even today I am sore as hell.

Back in 1965 I was a hard charging Marine and was able to do stunts like that, being a ex cop I once again did thing that were problem orientated, but this event was ALL my fault. I should have carried a step ladder when checking system, rather than my own nimble 61 thinking he is 20. Everyone should carry a step ladder to new customers and to check work. I am lucky that I am not in ICU-You young bucks, think about this post and make a self rule and take a step ladder. Plus work with a coworker. I had a Nextel and forgot I had it until writing this post. You are not thinking in a clean direction.
Naww all I need is a milk crate or a 5 gallon bucket, they never slide out from under you or anything, try to find a greasy one, they work the best. (the previous statement is SARCASM please do not attemp this at home, I am a proffesional bucket/milk crate ascender with years of training )
The best times are when you need to get to an access over an expresso or soda machine and you have to put one foot on a ladder, one knee on a shelf ( I hope it holds) and hold on to some plumbing in the ceiling leaving you one hand free to remove the panel, scrape and spay inside the duct while leaving the impression of a sprinkler head in your scalp. If you are lucky you get a little blood with that one too. All no! The duct is leaking over the prep table! I knew I should have put plastic over that.
Hey Dave, Sorry to hear about your mishap. I hope your feeling better soon.
Makes me think of that old rusty man or two!

PS. Did anyone get any pictures of you looking at the floor drain?
I can't count the times that I thought I broke my elbows when slipping on the ice that I just created with the pressure washer. I never knew that I could do the splits either...ouch.

Mr. marines are tough cookies. Anybody else your age would have lied there with a broken hip or something. Your too tough to let your bones break :)
Don't call him Mr. Saulque it makes him sound old...we just call him old man Dave!
Boy did I need that-Thanks-I will give anyone $100 if they see me without a step ladder-trying to get up or down from a grill!-It put the fear of god into me once again.
damn Dave ....You one tuff nut..
I fell down a hatch a couple months ago (grease was the culprit).. It's funny how it's in slow-motion when going down. and no one getting younger. I'd break bones or get stitches every week playing hockey, for about 4 years of my youth. 1 hockey game I'm out for a week or more now.
Not sure about the slow motion-that floor and drain came just a little to fast-but the sudden stop was the main problem.
Sorry to see that your power is on- in the "SPORTS CITY".
The Boss needs a rest every now and then....

If some one here says they never fell off a ladder, They are BSING, or is that in sales....

The problem was that I DIDN'T HAVE A LADDER plus the uncontroled air drop.

I feel much better after two nights with Vicadin.
I've got one of the Little Giants that are shown on TV. Folds up and can fit sideways in the back of my Suburban. Works great.

Dave Olson