Mike Sullivan
New member
Looks like Vitor may not return to the UFC. He was busted for steroids in 2007.
I think Kimbo proved that he has the chops to fight professionally last night. EliteXC is not in the same class as the UFC, but with a little more training he will be ready.
Boxing is DEAD and will Never come back.We grew up waching all the fights all the time, it was great. After all the over-hype and the crap, people started to lose interest, especially when fighters would not even try, they were there just for the money.
When the UFC came out, that was great and it got people interested in a new sport and has kept growing and now is bigger than ever and will probably keep on growing.
Superior Power Washing<O</O
Chris Chappell<O</O
Richard - My Niece Brandy Tucker atended both the University of Florida and USC.Boxing has lost its thunder. Tyson was the last heavy weight champ that really made a statement when he came into the ring, and after too much crack and too many shots to the head from falling off a bar stool he went stupid and made his profession look like a bunch of thugs from the street trying to make it in an organized sport.
UFC and MMA has truly dedicated athletes that work their azzes off to stay in shape just to be able to survive in the cage. (of course you would have to be crazy as hell to get in the cage like they do)
So it is UFC for me!!! Just would like to see someone punch Joe Rogan.....for no particular reason,,,,would just like to see him catch an elbow or something!!!!LOL
He is a WELL know Psychedellic Drug Advocate tooMost people dont know that Rogan was a stand up comic........I heard some of his stuff,,,,,could not stand hearing him. He was very vulger. Not that I am a saint but stand up comedy is much funnier when every other word is not f--- or G--D---.... If you hear his stand up you will see why his is now a commentator.
Most people dont know that Rogan was a stand up comic........I heard some of his stuff,,,,,could not stand hearing him. He was very vulger. Not that I am a saint but stand up comedy is much funnier when every other word is not f--- or G--D---.... If you hear his stand up you will see why his is now a commentator.