Industry Unites!!!!

Done, at least 3 or 4 times a week, something is done.
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I'm thankful Evie is Healthy
Hey Ron,
I've done donations for many different charity's as has my wife who sponsored a child years ago. You can never give back enough because when you do give back there's no feeling like it. I just wish I could do more.

If I win please give it to John and his family----Thank you.
This is a good thread to let others know that giving or helping somebody can be easy and does not have to be expensive.

I take my kids shopping every year for small gifts and crafts for kids that are at the local hospital over the Christmas season.

If I win please give it to John and his family.
Done...... Helped a lady last week, pulled her car from a busy street to a gas station.

Done..... Helped a friend this morning, his truck would not start (dead battery) and it would not take a jump start so I just drove him to work, 15 miles, no problem. I am sure he would help me if I needed the help.

Done..... Helped an old lady today, changed her flat tire, she couldn't do it and did not have AAA, no problem, only took about 15 minutes. No money accepted, just told her I was helped a lot growing up and wanted to help others.

Done..... A lady and her child were in line at Church's chicken and she was buying lunch for her and the 2 kids but did not have enough money, she lost some money and they were going to share 1 small meal, I gave her $10.00 so she could get the kids their own kid's meals and they were happy. She was very happy and just kept saying thank you over and over. No problem, I try to help when I can.
I am giving blood tonight. Our Red Cross is even going to be open on Christmas day to get donations. This is my gift of life to another. :lovies:
(Not in it for the drawing of course!)
I am giving blood tonight. Our Red Cross is even going to be open on Christmas day to get donations. This is my gift of life to another. :lovies:
(Not in it for the drawing of course!)

Your in the drawing, you might win a Skid
We helped out a friend and her mother recently, they could only sit on the living room floor in their apartment as they had no sofas or chairs. We were working on some pre-foreclosure homes and managed to get them some nearly new sofa beds (did a deal with the realtor and soon-to-be ex-owner).

They were happy and we were happy to help.
I've got a friend who lost his dad this past year and has been very distant since that happened. I've made sure to include him in all of my holiday plans so he doesn't feel alone. He's told me how much it has helped him. I don't feel like i've done that much for him but the joy in his eyes shows me a lot.

I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas Guys!

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

No Breathing Machines!!!

This was take last Night, Still on oxygen through the nose but got a picture with him, in hid Santa hat, before they strapped it on.

Thank you Everyone, for your prayers, and help. I hope you all enjoy your Christmas.

John And Family
Merry Christmas!

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