Im in Tupelo, MS


Darn I am so busy I could do 2 jobs a night for the next month ,,, With the new promo l ads out.. The Flyers out.. And our upcoming Radio Ads for the Spring and Summer I am going to have to put the old whitco that I cant sell back into commission.. Anyway I stoped at Hardees to eat Lunch today and the drive thru was so greasy that when I turned the corner my truck slid So tonight when I finish cleaning the 3 stores I have to do here I may stop by early in the morning and give them a little demo... Also I thought about giving them a price on cleaning the vent hood but I can only imagine what it looks like..

My days of working just 3 nights a week are over .. And now at almost 44 years old I am going to prove to myself that I can still work all night and most of the morning and live thru it.. I used to do it 20 years ago .. So here we go..
I am going to go for at least 6000 a month this year LOL!!!:nanner:

But Right Now it's Nap Time :boring:
Congrats.....on all the new work coming in.

Let me know how the radio ads go for you, I did a boat load when I lived in Ohio in 2001-2002 and had mixed results. I hope it goes well for you. The biggest problem was that the radio station reached a huge area and I spent endless amounts of time doing estimates.

Good luck,

Joe Crowder
Well as I would have never thought .. The brochure's and the post cards and the mailings and the emails are all working out. It seems we are getting alot of phone calls , and I have been doing free estimates all morning .. Out af 13 Estimates I have landed 4 new accounts and still the phone is ringing.. This is going to be a great month.. I think the postcards with the website on them is driving alot of the calls.. Also the fact thanks to Anthony about shortening up my website .. This has really seemed to help out..
Have you seen Elvis !!