I'm Happy To Accept the PWNA Joe Walter's Award

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I forgot about this Award
I would be all for naming an award for Dave Olsen. He would be honored, and rightfully so, and his wife would be touched.
I would be all for naming an award for Dave Olsen. He would be honored, and rightfully so, and his wife would be touched.

This is done, this would be the award of a life time for someone and couldn't be given every year but when someone actually deserved it.
You might want to get his wifes blessing. If nothing else, to give it legitimacy.

HOwever, I don't think a plaque autographed by his wife is necessary.
You might want to get his wifes blessing. If nothing else, to give it legitimacy.

HOwever, I don't think a plaque autographed by his wife is necessary.

We have It, I thought we would Fly her in for the First Ceremony, since you write so well Scott maybe a Explanation as to what the Award is?

You and Dave where friends with much Mutual Respect !!
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Thanks Again for all the guys in the Industry who appreciate the industry
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