I'm a Terrorist

If those that have repeatedly attacked the US were middle aged white guys with graying hair, not only would I expect to be stopped I'd be angry if they didn't. Profiling is necessary.

That being said my college age son gets the extra search and trip to the rubber hose room every time he flies. Never even had a traffic ticket. I really doubt those doing the stopping even know why. Probably just pops up on a computer screen. Big brother is watching but I think it has to happen.
We are less safe because of the TSA and gov run security at airports. Giving up freedom for safety is a lie, an old one. No TSA at the airport, does that scare you? Security can't exist without the gov? In the real world freedom is what solves problems.
Absolutely, I like that they do hold me, as well as others with an arab last name, That means our airs will be safer. Im never angry when they keep me, I know they are just doing their jobs.

My whole family moved here from Iraq 45 - 60 years ago, Reason being is my entire arab half of the family are all, Born Catholics. During the time of saddam, christians, has to have a cross tatooed on their forearms, so that the general muslim public could Identify them, Their lives were greatly destroyed because of the faith they chose.

So most of my family fled Iraq and now 45 - 60 years later live all over the united states.

I'm glad to hear you say that. I have tried to teach my family that the world owes them nothing and if we have to give up something for the sake of helping others it is our duty to do so.

But, like Terry says, why can't frequent fliers be screened and given a pass? Why not a thorough background check and a pass? Why all this ignorant reactionism?

It's crazy.
I don't like having to single anyone out because of their Race, but what else can we do. As many times as I go through this you would think they could take me off the list just from entering my ID in to their System. Just like I'm doing right now by having to send it in to them in the mail and it is a photo copy, to me looking it over in Person would be better then mailing it in and not being able to see my pic on the ID. A Crazy way of doing things and it is not making it any safer this way.

why do they pull you aside? Have you asked them? It clearly is not your name...is there someone that has the same name on a watch list somewhere? Do you have something on your record that alerts them?

Profiling is good and it sounds like that is exactly what is happening.

I have been told just a week ago that they have seen 2 year old kids on the List LOL it is somebody with the same name somewhere in the world, so they tag everybody with that name when it hits their system. my next door neighbor is a Police Man at the airport and he gave me the name of the head honcho at the airport to call, so I did and he told me I had to go on line and try to get my name off the list and he said his daughter was on it for a while too and he could do nothing to get her off but to file on line. So I had to go to TSA's and Homeland Security on line website and the have a link to try to get your name off the list, you sign up and then print out the # and info they give you and send it in with proof of who you are. Te WAIT until the want to take you off it.

This all start about 10 months to a year ago and I finally got feed up and I'm now trying to get off the list. I want to go to Cancun this spring so I hope it does not keep me from getting a Passport. I have to go find out here soon because if it is like anything else the GOV gets involved with I'm sure it won't be anytime soon.