If you don't see anything wrong with this:

You're right Chris. Shelly has been to many more countries than I have and she says this is still the best country in the world and she's always happy when she comes back.

But even she recognizes the deterioration that is going on around us. We are experiencing some things she saw in Russia in the 90's.
So I asked him about it and they asked me to speak. I went on for over an hour.


Outstanding! Tony, you are awesome in many ways
Found this quote regarding the living conditions of the colonists. They had it good too. But the thing they were missing was freedom.

By the time of the revolution, the American colonies were about the best place in the world to live. Opportunity was everywhere, land on the frontier was for the taking (or stealing as the case may be) and taxes were almost nonexistent in comparison to what the inhabitants of England were forced to pay. Best of all, the heavy-handed authority of King George and Parliament was diffused by several thousand miles of ocean.

Tony we are realistically a hundred fold beyond what our forefathers considered reason enough to risk everything and start a war. Kind of puts things in a weird way because we're so far down a road we shouldn't even be on.