ID badge or name tag.

My scraper is my badge!
I have a few paces that i have to have a id badge and get screened. My truck has to have a certain tag on it. At one place I go in and they search my trailer with the K-9 unit. but as for me wearing one for work,no i dont wear one.
Badges we dont need no stinking Badges !!
The only contract we have that requires wearing ID badges is our Intel contract. Intel provides the ID badges, and does all the background checks, drug screens, etc.

We did do 1 brand new Super Walmart about 6 months ago, the General required an ID card worn at all times, after the application process and the required I 9 forms verified (plus I provided all of my employees E Verify certifications).

As stated several times already, Embroidered Polo's for marketing, company provided T Shirts, Dickie or Craftsman brand shorts or pants, hats and rubber boots for those that want to wear them, along with all the required PPE.
Don't you need a picture ID when you do military jobs. West Point requires them. So does NPS when we worked at Ellis Island

We are pre-screened for all the sites we go on . You have to have a VALID drivers licence to get on and they take a digital photo and give you a ID for the time you are there then have to turn it in at the end of the job. They don't mess around but they are firm but fair on military instillaitions. You also have to have a ID badge for the vehicles. They consist of 2 foot high white magnetic numbers with the company Initals and a number after it on both sides, they issue them oout and then we give them back at the end of the job.

The absoloute worst places are malls and the rent a- cops. We do KEC at tysons corner mall in Virgina and can you belive they LOCK you ON the roof when you go up there and you have to call them to get off the roof. About 2 years ago we were doing a job in Feb and it was Cold ( below freezing) and the guys called to get off and they answered then forgot since they had a alarm somewhere in the building. The guys ended up popping the door to get off the roof. . they complained and we told them we were filing a complaint on them for abandoning people in freezing weather for almost a hour. I went on to add they could be sued if someone got hurt and couldn't get to help. they replied back with this lame "just use a cell and call 911" excuse. I told them where does it say we have to have a cell phone? They backed off and since then we have not had that issue but they are still cranks.
They give you a clip on badge for contractors, we lost one on the roof and they about flipped saying we would have to pay to have ALL NEW ID badges made since we had comprimised thier security badges. I looked them dead in the face and told them they were full of .... and to go get a supervisor. Come to find out a worker had popped it off his t-shirt and put it on his jacket since it was raining and left the jacket in the truck. I called them the next day and thier director of security had allready clled and said not to worry about it. We called him and told him we had it and he was fine with it mailed it back and kept on trucking.