You know I read Tony's post. He makes some valid complaints but he's not being fair on some of his remarks and it's upsetting when you know the truth and he doesn't. First of all my uncle was and IAD boss and he did lock up bad cops who did as much as 10 yrs in jail if not more. One of his cases is famous here. Two of my friends and one of them was in my wedding party also went the IAD route and made bosses in there. Good for them.
Me I deal with things differently. I let the Dep't do there job and I would do mine. If that meant helping a dying boy or girl at an accident scene thats what I did. I lost friends from 9-11 including a friend who I use to car pool with when I was in the academy and our close family friend who I take his only daughter every where Because she is my daughters best friend and her father died as well from 9-11.
So for Tony suggesting that all fireman and especially cops are bad people he's dead wrong and he's doing everything I was taught never to do when I was young and going to catholic school. "DO NOT JUDGE OTHERS".
Just because Tony got himself in trouble yrs ago it's now every cop in this country is bad. My friend - hero Tom Mingione who died saving people in 9-11 had to be a bad guy because his job was not turning in bad cops but to keep the citizens safe. So he must have been a bad cop.
Also Tony's picture with his family holding guns and making the insensitive remark insinuating that these kids in CT were killed because they went to public school is just not right. His daughter Faythe who's a sweet heart of a girl having that gun pointed towards a family members head in that picture is disturbing and sad at the same time.
I agree with Mike Pontillo about one clear thing here. Ever since Tony had his stroke he's different. He now hates like no one we seen before on these bulletin boards. His hate factor has skyrocketed and with all that bent up anger and just hating so much he's on track to give himself another stroke.
Not worth it Tony. Your a nice guy in person and me, my wife and Brianna enjoyed spending that day at the Empire State Bldg with you Shelly and Faythe. A day will never forget... But it saddens me to see how much you hate for my fallen brothers and sisters who die every day protecting people and doing there job. If It wasn't for them you would be dealing with MS-13 type gangs and worse and they would just mutilate your whole family because there in the tens of thousands and their crazy.. Stop kidding yourself thinking you can scare these thugs because you own a few guns. They own thousands and there sick and crazy and they'll gut a kid and stuff her back into her mothers gutted abdomen while people like you would be rendered helpless and then you would be next.
Get real Tony and at least give some of these good cops a break. There your last line of defense in this country. As for Mike Pontillo he's a decorated cop who's also a boss and he does his job and the communities especially in your wild west his type is needed cause he keeps the people safe by doing his job.
So be fair and stop hating......everyone. It's not good for your well being as in your mind and your health. Fight the fights that matter. Run for office like you say you want to. Be a civil activist if that's your calling and help ones who you think are wrongly convicted if that makes you feel good but Stop categorizing cops especially as all being bad because they don't work for you who is all about cops screwing up. Your generalize hating is deplorable and sad because deep down inside your not a hate monger that you portray yourself here on PWI.
But you being you, you just can't seem to help yourself because you love hating these good people. You can't do it. Hopefully you never need a fireman or a cop to save your life or a family members life because if that was to happened you will see in the worst way how wrong you were and how hurtful you have been.
Good luck to you.
That's exactly right but Tony is not saying that. What he states over and over because of his dislike for cops is that every cop see's other cops do bad things so now he gets it in his head that unless every cops has either reported what they saw or done something about it if they haven't done any of those two things.... Their bad cops. The problem here is assuming every cop see's other cops do bad things as a cop. What that says is he hates cops because if they all have seen other cops do bad things and they have done nothing about then their bad to.... So their all bad.I have read most of Tony's rants on cops. Tony never said (at least I don't think) every cop in America was bad. Like every industry you have good and bad people. Tony feels cops should do their jobs and be held to a higher standard. Cops take an oath to serve and protect. We need police! I think everyone can agree on that. The problem is there are bad apples and tony feels that the good apples should not turn a blind eye on the bad ones. For a cop to bend a small rule is a big deal kinda like a gateway. The bend wil keep getting bigger and more shady things will happen. I know a lot of great cops and a few shady ones So don't take my post as anti LEO but when cops abuse their powers they need to be called out and delt with. This country has lost its moral compass and the cops should set the example of behaviors after all they are the police.
I thought this was a PowerWash forum anyways, everytime I get on here it's about cop hating?
That's exactly right but Tony is not saying that. What he states over and over because of his dislike for cops is that every cop see's other cops do bad things so now he gets it in his head that unless every cops has either reported what they saw or done something about it if they haven't done any of those two things.... Their bad cops. The problem here is assuming every cop see's other cops do bad things as a cop. What that says is he hates cops because if they all have seen other cops do bad things and they have done nothing about then their bad to.... So their all bad.
That's the mind set of a person who has played judge and jury in his head because he is loaded with hatred about something.
Now right in here he is assuming that the people in Mike P.'s town dislike the cops.
He also spewing that cops are the agent of the devil now. He telling ya bad cops that is but he's already said it in other post that all cops are bad because they don't all turn on other cops.
Hate to say this but it looks like Tony is going over the edge. He's cracking right on this forum. His rant and raves are becoming more and more abundant. Apparently he does this in other places as well so he says.
Damn shame. Nice guy who's losing his marbles.
I thought this was a PowerWash forum anyways, everytime I get on here it's about cop hating?
Why does it not surprise me that cops on this board would want to shut down free speech?
Not a single one of them has taken me up on my challenge to produce one documented incident where they have turned another officer in for doing something illegal or immoral.
All I get is personal attacks and a combined effort to shut me up. As I've stated before, I don't do wood refinishing, but you won't ever see me go into the wood refinishing sections of this board griping and complaining and saying "I'm sick and tired of hearing all this talk about wood". I just simply ignore the wood section because it has nothing to do with me. If what I am saying about cops doesn't apply to you, then either ignore it or produce evidence in defense of the other cops. It's that simple.
And John, you might want to look closely at the picture where you claimed my daughter is "pointing a gun at someone's head". First you will notice that there is not one finger on one trigger. If you'd like I can post you thousands of pictures of the police getting ready to enter homes with fingers on the trigger. Second, no guns in that picture are pointed at anyone. Every one of them are pointed up and outward as they have all been taught. Third, that child is probably as well or better trained than many on your force. She took her first rifle class at age 8 and can shoot a dime at 25 yards repeatedly. Carlos is six and can shoot a dime at 25 yards at least 3 out of ten shots. Fayth has been taught multiple shooting techniques including freehand because freehand shots are the most common shots fired in a life and death situation. She can hit a tin can over and over again and empty the magazine freehand hitting the can almost every shot at 21 ft. That's a lot more than I can say for your force.
I've posted this before, but here is the FIRST time she heard AR15 fire. It was right next to her, blew smoke and dust all into her face and scared the crap out of her. Yet she was easily able to keep her composure, while shaking with fear, secure her weapon, then promptly walk to the back where she cried. Now she can hit that same dime with an AR15.
There was a time in the history of our country when most young boys and many young girls could do the same.
For the record I think there is an absolute need for police. I think they are needed for dealing with and punishing those who harm others. I think, under those parameters it is a noble profession. I'm sure there are many good cops out there. But NO good cop would ever condone what has been happening in this country over the past 15 years by the police. If they spent their time and resources on real criminals who hurt others our crime problem would be almost non-existent.
But no good cop has the guts to come out and condemn abuse on a public board because they are afraid of losing their jobs. That is sad and is on par with what happened in the Catholic church with the pedophiles.
If you don't like it then stop perusing the "Mindless Blabber" forum. Specifically its for non-pressure washing discussion and yet everyone is drawn like a moth to the light and get mad when they dont like what they see??
Sounds like you have a self control issue. I hope your not a cop too!Honestly i would but when i click on recent posts its always right infront of me. Its like watching a kid on a bicycle getting ready to jump off a roof. You cant help but watch but you already know the outcome.