April April April
Text me anytime for question 480-522-5227
Text me anytime for question 480-522-5227
April April April
Hey Ron do you know what the Uamcc discount is? Thanks Mike
April April April
Hey Ron do you know what the Uamcc discount is? Thanks Mike
Mike I tried Contacting April because I was also not Clear, I'm pretty sure its 20 off the first sign up month. However I know Since Doug Blogs this she has been Busy
I signed up last week and I couldn't be happier with BidSlot. Both April and Mary are amazing and I totally recommend them. First week in I already have appointments set up and I know for a fact that it's all being doing in the utmost professional manner.
This is working out great.....in fact I get many compliments from my customers about how great and professional my "offfice" staff is.
I use it. I planned on using it for only a few hours per day but decided to leave it on permanently, for now. They answer the phone well.
Wondering if there are certain times of the day I should turn it off. A customer said 2 times he hung up after being put on hold for over 10 minutes
Wondering if there are certain times of the day I should turn it off. A customer said 2 times he hung up after being put on hold for over 10 minutes