I think being a man is still important!

I've never understood why a man would cross his legs like a women.

Who is the man in this picture?



You got elected what? How'd that happen? I didn't know ya'll could vote! Next thing you know women will be wantin' to vote!
Keep this in mind if you are ever in a sit down meeting, trying to make a sales call. The concept is called mirroring. You watch what the person you are trying to sell is doing, and mirror their actions. It will make them more comfortable with you, and increase the likelihood of a sale.

Another one I call the head hinge. Go find someone to talk to. When it is your turn to speak, look them in the eyes and start nodding your head "yes". Eight out of ten people will also start nodding their head. If you get one of the other two and they raise objections during a sale, walk out the door. You're not closing.

Try this on your spouse or any family member nearby. Its hilarious.
he is gay
we already are being racist. Can I call hiom a queer too?
Who is the racist, and who is the queer? And can you be a queer racist?
we already are being racist. Can I call hiom a queer too?

My post was a joke on George Bush and his reputation for being backwards and old fashioned in his thinking. (everybody on this board knows I like George Bush and my post was simply self deprecating humor).

You can call Obama a queer if you'd like, but if you are trying to parallel my post you'd be more accurate if you captioned it with:

"Hey Obama, didn't I see one of your kind dancin' with his legs crossed like that on Silence of the Lambs?"

You see, that would be a allusion to perceived ignorance of GW (wrongly perceived, I might add) and would in no way be any type of slam on anyone who is one of the Silence of the Lambs, serial killer, cross dressing in skin, naked dancer types

My apologies to all who were offended, especially those who are now saying to themselves: What the heck did he just say, did he just say he deprecated all over himself?
Not offended here and I think it was funny, to many get offended by dumb crap now days, hell if we say BOO about this new Pres they call you a Racist LOL so be it I guess because I will be saying stuff about him like they have about all and every president we have ever had.This guy is no Different then them and we have heard a lot of bad stuff about BUSH the last few years ;)