I love hot water!!!

Pouring a half gallon of chemical down the drain doesn't equal using a half gallon of chlorine per driveway and if you do any volume of business maybe 100 times thats 50 gallons down the stormwater per year times everyone thats how things get out of control

Granted small time businesses like the majority of us make up such a tiny percentage of chemical waste in the water every bit helps and I think that is all
Jim is trying to get across
Pouring a half gallon of chemical down the drain doesn't equal using a half gallon of chlorine per driveway and if you do any volume of business maybe 100 times thats 50 gallons down the stormwater per year times everyone thats how things get out of control

Granted small time businesses like the majority of us make up such a tiny percentage of chemical waste in the water every bit helps and I think that is all
Jim is trying to get across

Its still a double standard. And Id be willing to bet that the amount of drain-o dumped down the drain every year dwarfs the amount of SH (when used by cleaning companies) thats discharged. Of course theres no way to ever know, but the double standard is what pisses me off.

And what you say about us being a small percentage is right on. Why ARENT they going after the Drain-o's of the world? (Im not picking on Drain-o, just using them as an example. Any large company/municipality would work here)

Leave us little guys alone. But then we wouldnt need to buy reclaim machines now would we?:rolleyes:
I always bring my reclaim rig to house washes. Sometimes it's tough maneuvering two trailers in the driveway though.
I always bring my reclaim rig to house washes. Sometimes it's tough maneuvering two trailers in the driveway though.
I bring mine also and have a similar problem. I really wish they would make a smaller Shop Vac. :rolleyes:
Tony brought up a good point a while back too. Look on the bottle of Drain-o and it says to dump a half gallon down your drain straight. Why can Drain-o get away with selling a product that goes directly into our sewers, but we get giant fines slapped on us for not reclaiming a pint of diluted chlorine????

Im all for keeping our waterways clean, but those rules are a money grab by the government and suppliers. (Not knocking all suppliers. Just ones who help write the rules. Seems like a conflict of interest to me.....)

The sanitary sewers and the storm sewers are seperate systems. There are areas where the storm sewers go directly to the ocean, and are often within a mile or so. Where Jim lives, this is the case. So, they just ban any dumping in the general vicinity, because some nitwit will surely say, "Well, I do it in Sacramento, why can't I do it in San Jose?"
Just 2 weeks ago, my friend's neighbor got a fine of $1,000 in the city of Brentwood, California for washing his car with a bio degradable detergent. It ran into the storm drain.... not the sewer.

Last month a neighbor washed out his plastic 90 gallon garbage can that the city provides. He washed it with bleach and a garden hose... fined 2,500 dollars. This time it DID NOT hit an open drain. He argued that it did not even make it around the corner. Still the fine was imposed. Went to appeal, lost.

Look it... California is arguable the toughest state in the union for EPA requirement issues. However, even though California is sometimes among the first to impose such Federal and State laws that have been on the books for years, the facts are, these laws are already at your location and are waiting to be imposed. Like it or not, it is only a matter of time before your location catches on. And it is going to start with the coastal and lake areas that imposse it first.

Right now, you can choose whether to be in front, getting your ducks in a row when it hits, or having to play catchup... buying equipment at full price and getting something that is not universal or is too small for the jobs that will arise in the following years bids.

By jumping on this wagon, you will have referrals from agencies that you can't even imagine. Those referrals are GOLD, because they know the laws and are seeking you out. Then that 3 cents a square foot job just rose 500 to 700%. Some of you guys are missing the opportunity of a life time. Making $60,000 in 5 days, instead of making 40k in 6 months of work and driving long distances, missing their families, living in motels, in the process with a profit margin of 30 to 50% after loding, fuel, food, wear and tear on vehcicles of 40 cents a mile, more if you have a trailer.

Some of them say that this is bull shit. I say, it is an opportunity to make even more money.

So go ahead and say I am full of it. Thats OK, but as I go to the bank, I think of how many can say "I just made 110,000 in 12 days of work with a 79 to 86% profit margin." OR " I think I am going to take 6-8 weeks off and take the family traveling through the Orient."

Me personally, if a successful business was willing to help me out, I would be parked outside his doorway waiting for any insight.
This thread started about bleach in a driveway. 1/2 a gallon of bleach.

Does anyone know what happens to bleach once it mixes with water and sits? It goes bye bye. Otherwise my pool would be 12,000 gallons of straight bleach by now after all the years of adding it.

Heroin addicts are told to clean their "rigs" with BLEACH to kill HIV.

This is ridiculous.

Where is the common sense?
Just 2 weeks ago, my friend's neighbor got a fine of $1,000 in the city of Brentwood, California for washing his car with a bio degradable detergent. It ran into the storm drain.... not the sewer.

Last month a neighbor washed out his plastic 90 gallon garbage can that the city provides. He washed it with bleach and a garden hose... fined 2,500 dollars. This time it DID NOT hit an open drain. He argued that it did not even make it around the corner. Still the fine was imposed. Went to appeal, lost.

Look it... California is arguable the toughest state in the union for EPA requirement issues. However, even though California is sometimes among the first to impose such Federal and State laws that have been on the books for years, the facts are, these laws are already at your location and are waiting to be imposed. Like it or not, it is only a matter of time before your location catches on. And it is going to start with the coastal and lake areas that imposse it first.

Right now, you can choose whether to be in front, getting your ducks in a row when it hits, or having to play catchup... buying equipment at full price and getting something that is not universal or is too small for the jobs that will arise in the following years bids.

By jumping on this wagon, you will have referrals from agencies that you can't even imagine. Those referrals are GOLD, because they know the laws and are seeking you out. Then that 3 cents a square foot job just rose 500 to 700%. Some of you guys are missing the opportunity of a life time. Making $60,000 in 5 days, instead of making 40k in 6 months of work and driving long distances, missing their families, living in motels, in the process with a profit margin of 30 to 50% after loding, fuel, food, wear and tear on vehcicles of 40 cents a mile, more if you have a trailer.

Some of them say that this is bull shit. I say, it is an opportunity to make even more money.

So go ahead and say I am full of it. Thats OK, but as I go to the bank, I think of how many can say "I just made 110,000 in 12 days of work with a 79 to 86% profit margin." OR " I think I am going to take 6-8 weeks off and take the family traveling through the Orient."

Me personally, if a successful business was willing to help me out, I would be parked outside his doorway waiting for any insight.

what kind of reclaim equipment do you use.. can you give me any links I'm curious and would maybe consider. It does make sence... My state is way behind.
This thread started about bleach in a driveway. 1/2 a gallon of bleach.

Does anyone know what happens to bleach once it mixes with water and sits? It goes bye bye. Otherwise my pool would be 12,000 gallons of straight bleach by now after all the years of adding it.

Heroin addicts are told to clean their "rigs" with BLEACH to kill HIV.

This is ridiculous.

Where is the common sense?


Chlorine is both a liquid and gas, it evaporates and dissolves quick.

Very good way of explaining that Tony.