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I am curious?

Russ Spence

Commercial Pressure Wash Expert
I am just wondering, if ALL pressure washing contractors were to let ALL their wastewater just run where it can and IF it ran directly into the clean waters of the USA, what ratio it would be compared to the Oil in the Gulf of Mexico last summer + the radiation waste that Japan just dumped in the ocean?

I mean really!

All this is BS
It's BS that they make it seem like it's about the water when actually they just want to find a way to get money out of anyone they can >:/ Doesn't matter if the big corporations or churches or any Joe Homeowner send their water down. They only want to point at us......and WE'RE NOT POLLUTERS to begin with!!!
Don't forget volcanic activity that dwarfs what man has done. Heck ants produce more CO2 in the world than all of mankind. Theres natural fissures that spew oil and crap right into the ocean. On the other hand the equipment will improve and we'll all be vacuuming and filtering because it will be easier and faster. No Rinsing!
Russ I just did a quick figure on 100,000 sq ft of parking garage, it would take me roughly 8,000 gallons running about 21 gpm. That wouldn't even affect a 1 acre pond let alone a large lake. If you used 50 gallons of castic and washed with 8000 gallons you could probably drink the water with no ill effects. To think that a pressure washing company could cause a major inbalance to the ecosystem is just stupid.(I am not advocating drinking caustic water so no one do that.)
It Might seem that way, but you must comply and be responsible as a human.

Pollution is a very serous problem, I'm happy my companie has been saving the water of the us from pollution. We have reduced so much over the years making the water of the us and the water table safer for the children of the future. ( I cannot even Imagine) not close to the gulf spill, but it ads up.

We cannot condone even a small amount, breaking the law and doing whats right is the thing to do.

Property owners as well as mobile cleaning contractor in the future will contain contaminates together to provide a better enviroment.

Its just needed, as pollution increases our demand to save the planet as mobile cleaners will only increase.

I think your looking at it wrong, if we where not pressure washing and saving the environment how bad would it be?

1000 times worse then not cleaning on a regular basis. 1000 EXXON takers........ over the period of a few years.

I'm happy to be in the saving the environment business. I feel great!!!!

I am just wondering, if ALL pressure washing contractors were to let ALL their wastewater just run where it can and IF it ran directly into the clean waters of the USA, what ratio it would be compared to the Oil in the Gulf of Mexico last summer + the radiation waste that Japan just dumped in the ocean?

I mean really!

All this is BS
I did pee pee in the Gulf last week !!!
Has anyone ever thought that maybe most of the problems we have today is because of the Environmentalist. Think about that. They may actually be killing people. Anyone want to guess why??? Its real easy...

Screw it I'll just say it here. All this...lets save the world garbage that spewed with Al Bore about the US being the leaders in causing Global warming and all that crap. So while where trying to keep mother earth clean with all the hoopla other countries are making money hand over fist and just salivating on blowing us clear out of the water with there smart bombs and all the other stuff that there going to aim our way soon....and why?? Well lets start with Oil. We find ways to get into wars with Countries that produce Oil when all along we have more Oil here then probably most anyplace on the planet. Two Oil Resivours in the Dakato's that Halliburtant right now is drilling for....but where kept out of the loop. Not sure about what the Halliburtant(Can't spell that but its the VP Chaney's old job) thing is all about but I am convinced that our Environmental crap there trying to force down our throat is causing us not be self efficient so we get our American troops killled over and over again in most of the time useless wars.

So why can't we drill and be self reliant?? Why can't we Powerwash with just Hot water and let that go down the storm drain. Why...its the Environmental bullcrap thats gets shoved down our throats which causes us to be stopped in our tracks and our young men and woman to go off and fight in a war and get maimed and killed.

Different and crude take on this but sometimes it makes sense. There's something our Gov't is not telling us so they hide behind the Environmentalist. They keep it up we may find some serious shidts going down our storm drains like oh I don't atomic blast with Radiation fall out.

This Environmental stuff at times sounds like crap. Ron keeps saying we do it for the Children.. Thats fine and fair but with the squeeze that this country puts on us those Children that Ron keeps talking about will grow up to fight in another useless war and these wars are always about the money and the oil embarkments... There not about Saddum Hussien killing the Kurds or Omar Kadafi killing his own people.. Yea right. Its about our Environmentalist going to far.
Just a different take... and yes Ron lets save the children..... but lets drill Oil here and now so we can save those children when they become later day teenagers.

K thats enough of that. I just had my Tony Shelton Moment. Wow that was liberating:shocked::shocked::shocked:
The world is having a great laugh at our exspense !!! If we drop a pebble into the ocean we get fined, but Japan is making islands buy dumping millions of tons of rock into their oceans so they have more room to build...permits they dont need no stinking permits. Donald Trump said it well the other night on Hannity, he said if he is trying to build a huge project and their is a blade of grass that is endangered they shut the job down costing us millions of dollars. This whole environmental thing has gotten so out of touch with reality in this country, it is just another way to collect money or should I say embezzel money out of the hands of the very people who are trying to create jobs.
Has anyone ever thought that maybe most of the problems we have today is because of the Environmentalist. Think about that. They may actually be killing people. Anyone want to guess why??? Its real easy...

Screw it I'll just say it here. All this...lets save the world garbage that spewed with Al Bore about the US being the leaders in causing Global warming and all that crap. So while where trying to keep mother earth clean with all the hoopla other countries are making money hand over fist and just salivating on blowing us clear out of the water with there smart bombs and all the other stuff that there going to aim our way soon....and why?? Well lets start with Oil. We find ways to get into wars with Countries that produce Oil when all along we have more Oil here then probably most anyplace on the planet. Two Oil Resivours in the Dakato's that Halliburtant right now is drilling for....but where kept out of the loop. Not sure about what the Halliburtant(Can't spell that but its the VP Chaney's old job) thing is all about but I am convinced that our Environmental crap there trying to force down our throat is causing us not be self efficient so we get our American troops killled over and over again in most of the time useless wars.

So why can't we drill and be self reliant?? Why can't we Powerwash with just Hot water and let that go down the storm drain. Why...its the Environmental bullcrap thats gets shoved down our throats which causes us to be stopped in our tracks and our young men and woman to go off and fight in a war and get maimed and killed.

Different and crude take on this but sometimes it makes sense. There's something our Gov't is not telling us so they hide behind the Environmentalist. They keep it up we may find some serious shidts going down our storm drains like oh I don't atomic blast with Radiation fall out.

This Environmental stuff at times sounds like crap. Ron keeps saying we do it for the Children.. Thats fine and fair but with the squeeze that this country puts on us those Children that Ron keeps talking about will grow up to fight in another useless war and these wars are always about the money and the oil embarkments... There not about Saddum Hussien killing the Kurds or Omar Kadafi killing his own people.. Yea right. Its about our Environmentalist going to far.
Just a different take... and yes Ron lets save the children..... but lets drill Oil here and now so we can save those children when they become later day teenagers.

K thats enough of that. I just had my Tony Shelton Moment. Wow that was liberating:shocked::shocked::shocked:

Welcome to my world John!
Ron is right This country needs solid, well trained pressure washing contractors. I can give multiple reasons why:
It reduces pollution, by washing potential pollution away. It is faster, and more enivronmentally efficient to use a pressure washer to clean an oil spot with 5 gallons of water, rather then the thousands of gallons of rain water that would be polluted when trying to wash the same oil spot away.
It reduces pollution by dispersing and allowing the potential pollutants to be dispersed on site, instead of being washed into storm drains at an uncontrolled pace.
It removes potential disease producing contaminants, such as vomit, urine, feces, or restaurant grease. Let alone all the food stuffs that could build up, and decompose on the back dock of a restaurant. As contractors, we have all seen the potential hazards, and the vermin, and insects that accumulate where these same substances are. Rats, Mice, Roaches, and other pests spread more disease, and cause more harm than the amount of potential pollution we could do, and quite honestly, when we are washing, even if the waste water is allowed to stay on site, it reduces, and dilutes potential pollutants so much that potential disease carriers, are not able to continue to maintain life. I.E. They die.
Hot water washing also sanitizes an area as it is being washed, if done properly. 180 d. water, or higher is hot enough to kill bacteria, even without soap. If a quanternary solution is used after the wash, it extends the bacteria killing potential of the wash job.

There are more reasons, but these are the ones that I have come up with. Am I against having recovery equipment? No, I am not. I have had environmental recovery equipment, in one form or another since 1995, or the last 16 years. I obviously believe in recovery, but as in all things, an absolute is not even reasonable. There are times recover, and times to not recover. It takes an experienced contractor to know the difference, and be able to prescribe the proper method of washing for a particular cleaning project.

Just my opinions.
You won't be able to "get-away-with", what you shouldn't be doing anyway.

I totally agree with Scott and Ron..
methodical, sustainable BMP's, as simple as "planning an effort"
is how you will "not loose your jobs" in the next year.
Use your equipment WISELY,
or sell it to someone that will.

Come to our Wash-Water Control BootCamp,
learn how to PROFIT from a "sustainable plan" ..from "the basics"
..and stop whining about how you won't be able to "get-away-with",
what you shouldn't be doing anyway.

As far as the political issues.
with BP "dissolving" their responsibility with "dispersant",
and the Nuclear plants having NO "reasonable plan" for the effects of a tsunami..
I too am apalled..
I just don't have any time for, nor is there ANY profitability in being a whiner.

I have a daughter to put through school,
just in case Obama DOESN't get us all killed by terrorists on American welfare.

This blog frequently reminds me to ask myself..
"WHAT am I doing ??
WHY am I doing it ?
and IS it essential ?
Jerry will get my props here, everyone should own a recovery unit. Using them all the time is not the best way to prevent pollution control.

Proper knowledge and technics can make you a better enviro cleaner.

They are called BMP's BEst Management Practice.


Management ( Control)

Practice ( experiment )

A Doctor practices medicine, sometimes a doctor tries things he has learned that works on others. It may work on you and it may not. Each situation is like a patient. Some you might say take aspirin and call me in the morning. others you say meet me at the emergency room.

Reclaim is not the responsible practice in many applications.

I totally agree with Scott and Ron..
methodical, sustainable BMP's, as simple as "planning an effort"
is how you will "not loose your jobs" in the next year.
Use your equipment WISELY,
or sell it to someone that will.

Come to our Wash-Water Control BootCamp,
learn how to PROFIT from a "sustainable plan" ..from "the basics"
..and stop whining about how you won't be able to "get-away-with",
what you shouldn't be doing anyway.

As far as the political issues.
with BP "dissolving" their responsibility with "dispersant",
and the Nuclear plants having NO "reasonable plan" for the effects of a tsunami..
I too am apalled..
I just don't have any time for, nor is there ANY profitability in being a whiner.

I have a daughter to put through school,
just in case Obama DOESN't get us all killed by terrorists on American welfare.

This blog frequently reminds me to ask myself..
"WHAT am I doing ??
WHY am I doing it ?
and IS it essential ?
We had the pleasure of meeting Jerry in Ft Worth a couple of years ago and later again in Charleston. Seriously GREAT guy, in the industry and out. I'm betting with the new view on things in this industry - Jerry WILL be selling more units than a lot had imagined :)
Jerry, you are the man. You and I have talked about the equipment I will eventually buy. Russ has me curious too. Does that make me Buy Curious?

I will make a craigslist post for you, if you want.