How's Business

My phone is ringing everyday :cool:
Business was really slow in Jan and Feb. Then I stopped paying attention to all news sources, period. I don't watch it on TV, newspaper, internet or even listen to people talk about it. Miraculously - business has been up ever since.

Hearing all the bad news has an effect on you, whether you like it or not. Tune all that crap out. Go sell yourself and you'll be amazed how much better things seem.

I agree 100000% with that. That how things work! Great post.
Sloooow here and lost several monthly accounts due to them stopping "non-essential" services. But I agree you gotta set that doomsday attitude aside and go forth. There are still business out there making money that need this service and consumers needing residential work.
Business for me is slow as far as residental goes. Cleaning some banks this time of the year is keeping me busy for the month of March. I have very little scheduled for April so far. I guess I will play more golf or go fishing until business picks up! Hugh
Business for me is slow as far as residental goes. Cleaning some banks this time of the year is keeping me busy for the month of March. I have very little scheduled for April so far. I guess I will play more golf or go fishing until business picks up! Hugh

Hey Hugh, how you been. Hope all is well. Golfing & Fishing, ya you have it rough LOL
Looks like the economy goes west to east like the weather. You guys all sound like we sounded two months ago.

Now things are starting to look up. Chris got 7k in new annual contracts in a week and a half. He's not lowballing either, just midrange for this area.

The coil cleanings appear to be at the calm before the storm. AC's aren't on here yet, but when they come on we need to be ready! I've stopped working on new air filter customers while we get ready for the RT.

I know this will not be a banner year. But I don't think it's going to be as bad as I thought. (In spite of the government takeover of everything.)
This weekend I did two window cleaning jobs a house wash a driveway and sand blasted red paint from a Mc Donolds curb.

This week I have two decks to refinish, one window cleaning job, two estimates for parking garages and one estimate to refinish a deck, one estimate for kitchen exhaust cleaning and I hope to close a bid on a warehouse for $4500, it sold for over 1.5 mil and our bid was included in the deal.

We already have signed contracts for April and May.

If you were to talk to me a few weeks ago work was very slow.

Things have really been going our way the last few weeks and I hope it continues...

Hang in there you may get your bang soon.. Work just started coming our way.
Numbers are up from last year, but not booked as far in advance as we are used to. This last week really picked up---the weeks before that were very slow.

Hey guys--here is a thought for many of you that may only have a year or two under your belt: there will be ebbs and flows with your call volume/closings that are based on things OTHER than economics. For instance, February is slow for EVERYTHING. Around this time, you may feel a lull due to people waiting for their tax refunds. The end of the school year usually brings a lull---as does the beginning of the school year.

You should experience a pick-up prior to Memorial Day and July4. All of this is common, and not limited to our field.

Consider building marketing around these pre-planned lulls.

*A pre-income tax special
*A special to "get dangerous mold cleaned off house before kids are there 24hrs a day!"
*Valentine's Day special: "women, your husband is tired---don't make him clean the house and driveway!! Give him the best Vday give imaginable: peace of mind and freedom."

You get the idea.
I love it, make Valentine's Day about the Man in their life instead of the other way around :D

Well I'm hoping the worse may have passed so far I hope, All of my Retail Centers seem to be holding up better then I thought they would. Nothing has gone out of business for over a month or more. I was getting worried about Retailers dropping out at a fast rate and I think there still maybe some dropping but at least they seem to have slowed up a bit here in town for now anyways.

This will be a better year for me if things hold up, My best year I should say, I have Doubled my work load so look out for the TAX MAN by the end of this year :eek: :D

Pray nothing in the Middle East Breaks Loose or were done, because I'm a Fuel Dependent Business and any shortage of Fuel and Look Out.
I'm 100% commercial and things are going great. I picked up 7 bar-b-que joints and 5 sonic's over the past two weeks. And the biggie,,, I'm very close to closing a deal on a chain of gas stations. 125 of them. My fingers are crossed, and my legs and my eyes..
You are exactly right! I stopped watching the news a long time ago. I worked along side the news media for a while and I was amazed to see how they put their little spin on things. They would take something simple, and blow it out of porportion..sometimes even creating hysteria amongst citizens. I was just sick them not reporting on anything positive.

So I agree with you-tune it out and concentrate on the positive!

Now back to the topic :).
Business for us so far this year has been good. We do keep hearing the same thing from PM's...they want to hold off on cleanings for now.
Residential work is slower than we anticipated but it is only March!
We are concentrating on several different aspects of the business right now and we will see how the home show helps us out. After that...its full speed ahead into Spring!! Then Summer....I cant wait!

Even with the economy the way it is there are still folks out there that need stuff cleaned and we will be right there when they need us!
Keep your chins up guys!!!


+1 on both! Customers can feel the positive and negative vibes you give off. Be positive and confident and learn to do things faster, cheaper and better. We have been pretty busy lately. I hired a part timer to help me out. We did 3 large building washes, 2 deck strip/stains 2 weeks ago. This Sat & Sun we did 6 jobs and closed 2 more. Have 4 jobs scheduled so far for this coming weekend. These are mostly new customers. Just sent out past customer reminders that they are due their annual housewash. I hope for a 70% return on those. If this keeps up I will have to quit my full time job. woohoo