how wide is your service area

how wide is your service area

  • in town only

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • up to 20 miles

    Votes: 11 8.3%
  • 20 to 40 miles

    Votes: 17 12.9%
  • 40 to 60 miles

    Votes: 30 22.7%
  • 60 to 80 miles

    Votes: 16 12.1%
  • 80 to 120 miles

    Votes: 18 13.6%
  • state wide or multiple states

    Votes: 26 19.7%
  • 120 + miles

    Votes: 13 9.8%

  • Total voters
For house we will travel 50 miles (nice size job) , big commercial job we will travel 300 miles or so miles
40 miles at most anymore. We used to travel to do log homes but I decided I would rather stay local. After refocusing the advertising we have had more work than we can handle within 3 counties so there's really no need too fortunately. Thats one thing I love about residential... alot more potential customers in an area :p
The farthest I have traveled is about an hour and a half away. About 60 mi one way. I don't plan on going to far past that. There is more than enough work locally. Once I get going on KEC this area is saturated with hoods. A plus of living in a destination resort type area.
How do you guys work estimates for jobs that far away? I would hate to waste the time driving for an estimate hours away and then not getting the job. If it was big money I wouldn't mind doing the work so far away, but I would rather have the guarantee that I actually get the job

Russ and Nick how do you guys estimate jobs that are multiple states away? Do the property managers give you sq footage? Number of store fronts? Pictures? Just curious.
My residential company only works in Montgomery County Maryland, it's probably 30 minutes drive from end to end with no traffic. My commercial company normally works MD, VA, PA, DC, NJ, DE. But, on some occasions I've traveled much further depending on the job. I've consulted on a couple of jobs in California, Texas and new york and done a few of those. When I travel that far I charge 3,000 -5,000 a day.

I just bid on a government job today for over a million square feet that I'll be traveling for.