How much more if you reclaim?


New member
On the average how much more would you charge if you reclaim your water on flatwork?
I usually base it on the amount of additional time that it takes for setup and tear down and any additional costs you have. For example a sidewalk that I might do for $200 would prob be $275. The cost of bringing out my trailer is minimal, I will set up a vacuboom or use one of my drain inserts, and my sewer charges at my shop are the same (no extra cost). My setup and tear down is about an additional 10 min plus the extra water, rinse down time, and gas on the generator = about $75.00. (my usual min charge)
Not here, we get special permits to discharge and only have to recollect in certain situations. Milwaukee has a goofy combined sewer where all water that runs into the storm sewers is mixed with the sanitary and treated, Or at least partially. Then they dump it into the lake and it flows down to Chicago.
More Equipment takes more materials and more time so you would charge your Normal rate per hour, Plus extra for Materials used for Water Recovery.
We could call it a wastewater Recovery Fee.
or A Hazardous Materials Handling Fee.

I think the best answer is to charge a rate figuring in your runoff control or reclaim, and then to sell based on the quality your law-abiding ways add. Make reclaim a selling point rather than a problem.

I know it is a hard sell, but if you show a charge for it without explaining it, or offer two prices (with reclaim and without) you look like you are just ripping folks off. Or, it appears to be negotiable. I try to point out that it is the law, and that the property owner has exposure to it. I also point out that anybody not explaining this, is probably not going to reclaim, thereby putting the customer at risk along with the sub-standard contractor.

I have had the frustration of having to watch a couple of beer-money and no insurance guys clean a job I didn't get because of reclaim issues. I just think it is hard to beat the "low-price-at-any-cost" mentality.

I write the bids, and try not to sweat not getting those. It helps me to remember that the customer that is willing to break the laws for a lower price isn't the most attractive customer out there.

In short, I agree with Mr. Ott.
Because it is the Law =Free

Nothing is free. It is the law and legitimate contractors re-claim. However, it is priced accordingly. There is no way that I can provide an equal bid with a non-compliant bidder. Just like my phone bill, I get charged for the fees that the "Law" states that the telephone provider has to pay. It is another expense that flows through to the consumer. I will not take a cut in pay to be competitive with a non-compliant Company.
In GA we are not at the law stage yet - but on flat work I do it anyway because I clean faster and better with a Steel Eagle floor cleaning tool and my vacum setup. With recovery (not a vacuboom) I blow dust and leaves out of the way and then I clean once and I am done. Without recovery and a floor cleaning tool I often have to rinse 2/3 times and its not as clean.
So to answer the original question - no its free with me as well.
Nothing is free. It is the law and legitimate contractors re-claim. However, it is priced accordingly. There is no way that I can provide an equal bid with a non-compliant bidder. Just like my phone bill, I get charged for the fees that the "Law" states that the telephone provider has to pay. It is another expense that flows through to the consumer. I will not take a cut in pay to be competitive with a non-compliant Company.

The problem is that most companies here will not pay extra for the reclaiming..Its like anything else in life..Untill enough companies get nailed and fined accordingly they will not pay extra. They need to make it the law and enforce it then you'll see all of this change but untill then the prices are what they are.