We sponser my grandsons soccer team each year. We supply the shirts which have our info on them as well. And i sponser my landscappers daughters team as well.
did a church for free. only thing i asked for was a 2-5 min presintation slot to show a slide show and tell them a lil about who we are. then everyone got a lil flier.+they gave me a donation tax write off slip for what i wouldve charged for the job.
http://www.nationalcleaningexpo.com/live_eventsHow many things can we do to market our pressure washing business?
1. yellow page adds
2. cold calling
3. personnel selling
4. faxing
5. mass mailing
6. free demos
7. giving a customer a free service in hopes he will use you for regular maintenance
8. video demos
9. photo demos
10. brochure
11. mailers {value pack, penny saver, news paper, ect}
12. free building washes
13. cash for referrals
14. thank you cards
15. Trade Shows
16. radio, tv
17. signs on trucks
Add to the list, how many different crazy things you have tried?
18. three feet rule. (give anyone a card within three feet)
19. Group Presentations
This was a post that I started on another BBS and was very successful. I thought I would ad it here and maybe we could complete the list for others.
I know this is an old revived thread..but heres what I just did to try something different. I had 12 x 18 yard signs made up and received them on thursday. Put them in front of 2 houses we washed on Friday. Yesterday(saturday) I landed a job from someone who saw one of those 2 signs and said they liked how the house and drive looked. So at $2.00 per sign with the stands, I feel this will pay off. And I told those customers to put the signs against the house by the hose faucet face side in when they get tiredf of looking at it and I will retrieve in a few days. So far so good.
edit: and oh yes I ordered Allison's book last week too![]()
Contact reporters and let them know you're an authority. I'm telling you, a lot of times they are DYING for stuff to write about.
Write for our new online magazine, Pressure Cleaning Monthly, then let everyone know you did! Put the article on your website, letting people know you were featured in the only publication geared exclusively for pressure washing contractors. I'm telling you, you can't buy that kind of marketing credibility!
Volunteer to help non-profits, such as Cleaning for Heroes, then make sure you let the press and your customers know that as well. You are helping your fellow man and gaining goodwill all at the same time.
(Oh, and read our book.)