how many employees do you have?

I'm just a little Mom & Pop kind of business. :) How many W-2's did you guys have last year?

Dave Olson
15 guys fulltime, 4 girls partime and me. Hummmmmm lets see... the girls are hired to clean the insides of all the postal trucks while one crew of guys wash the outsides but when the girls show up at each location most of the postal employees (guys) come out and help the girls do the work! GO FIGURE! Damm what a pair of shorts and a nice figure can get a guy to do. SO..... do I get to count all the postal employees that are helping to, are just the ones I have to pay?:D Lets see that would be between 10 to 15 guys at each location times 47 locations. Heck, I'm catching up with WALMART!
I have between 4-7 employees the last few years. Basically its me, Kathy does all the secretarial work and I have two full timers and once in awhile upwards to 2-3 partimers.

My job is forever getting phased out which leaves me more time to network and chased down jobs. I cannot wait until spring 11. I am itching to break another yearly money total....right now in this cold crap where having its seems like Spring may never come...some global warming....I WANT GLOBAL WARMING IN NY NOW!!!!!!!
We had 8 back in the day, now 2 sometimes 3.